Woody and Buzz are a better pairing. (Sorry, have the morning off as my daughter starts school at lunchtime. We're watching Toy Story 2)
I thought kids (including mine) starting on a Weds was bad enough, but lunchtime to boot?! They dont make it easy for parents do they?!
I know. Her very first week of school so I guess they are easing them in. Same all week They did it for 2 weeks last year apparently and that really didn't go down well with the parents.
The little uns really do get tired those first few weeks so a gradual start makes sense, although maybe not for the parents!
Yes, bless em , perhaps by the time they start working they may be able to ask the same of their employer too, just in case it tires the parents out with all that worry as well... Seriously, get a grip!!!!
Bit uncalled for there I think?! She's talking about 4-5 year olds, not 18 year olds. I'm sure they would cope fine doing a full week but no need to reply like that IMO.
Some have only just turned 4 years old when they start school. We start too early in this country anyway.
My youngest turned 4 the week before she started school. She turned 11 last week and has just started 'big' school today. So yeah I agree some of them are still very young when they start.
Nice to be genuine cheers dude, but continuity and hate the word gel-ing but yeah,thiam not a natural striker for me nor is any of the other ive seen whom played up front yet lol especially halm (defender) that day lol ,so in essence get them going together as much as we can,unless game calls for one up front ect ect,,,
I think Thiam looks better as a striker than a wide man. The main problem is he struggles to play 90 minutes. Hopeful Schmidt will come good & Woodrow can avoid future injuries. He missed a lot of last season & we need him fit for the remainder of this one.