Stop calling the nasty useless Eton educated dumb reprobate Boris. He's not your mate or even a friend of the working class. He looks down his nose at the peasants like his mate Rees-Bogg does. So cut out this Boris crap it's either the PM or Johnson not Boris.
He's been right about everything thus far. I'd love to know which way all the rebel tories, labour, lib dem and SNP voted in the leave referendum. Sour grapes through the back door. Now everyone is getting foo ked.
Just watched interview on peston show. If he hasn't got something up his sleeve he's a great actor. Reckon this is all a trap
Well all the SNP voted to remain. Just like 62% of the Scottish electorate. Leave was never an option. I can't comment on any of the others.
I'd gathered that mate. My point was all those claiming democracy had been defied and proposing the bill to not leave without a deal were remainers just trying to drag things out more in the hope that the country would want to stay. I think there will be another referendum and we'll no doubt end up staying. However, Europe will be thinking this aint gunna happen again and measures will be put in place to potentially stop it. Then your Nicola Sturgeons will be crying blue murder when democracy really has been defied.
I sympathise generally with those working class who are wanting to leave. We've had decades of a political system that has favoured the wealthy whilst destroying public services. The blame for that has been squarely laid at the feet of Europe and immigrants, and if you're struggling to get a gp appointment, a decent job, or waiting for hospital treatment and your areas has seen an influx of immigrants and you're reading papers and TV blaming immigrants then it's no surprise that those who voted to leave on that basis think the way they do. This however is a trap. There was always money to deal with those issues but successive governments kowpowed to big business and neo-Liberal banking and economics to do nothing about it. The fix isn't to now vote for an extreme version of the past by doubling down on Boris Johnson and his ultra right Trump supporting chums. It would be truly a horrendous mistake.
We get the politicians we deserve. Let’s hope this is the death throes for people like Johnson ruining our country. Entitled idiots who have abandoned conservatism to become the posho version of the EDL. Absolute shame on anyone supporting it voting for Johnson. A proven liar and charlatan.
I don’t think the people above that ‘like’ him are blind to the damage he wants to do to this country, I just think they have the arrogance to think it won’t affect them and don’t care what happens to anyone else. Ps I’d be surprised if any of those individuals could afford it should they become seriously unwell in the inevitable US style healthcare coming our way c/o their best pal bozza. Or their families.
I'm really not sure about another referendum mate. It might still produce another almost 50/50 split. Maybe remain just winning. Then where will we be? I think I understand where you are coming from with Nicola. But please understand that she is speaking from a Scotland point of view and not a UK point of view. Scotland voted 62% to remain and she is standing up for the will of the Scottish people. I realise you won't agree with this but this fact only mirrors exactly what is happening nationwide. The UK is broken.
He's a serial liar and cheat both in his professional and private life (his Wikipedia article can't even say with certainty how many children he has), an establishment cretin who has demonstrated time and time again that the only value he holds dear is the continued advancement of Boris Johnson with everything else being a distant afterthought. But because he rugby tackled someone in a football match and purposely got stuck on a zip wire one time he's "good old Boris" the lovable English buffoon. It's all a carefully managed act and yet there are more than enough people who fall for it. He will run an election campaign as "people vs Parliament" but make no mistake - Boris Johnson is not, and never has been, on the side of "the people". Especially not people from Barnsley.