A lot of the voting is just through sheer dislike of Boris Johnson and not getting Brexit over the line. Bugger this let's have the perfect deal nonsense. It's about delaying or getting rid of Brexit altogether because they voted remain. Everything else is just rhetoric and the say the PM is misleading the public.
Of course a party with polar opposite views should vote everything the other party puts forward . We could even do away with opposition party’s and have just one party mm where have I seen this system oh ye Russia, China , North Korea. Fine upstanding examples of how everyone should get on .
Fair enough. Tory members were willing to vote against their own party though. Not everything's that black and white. It's nothing to do with communism either. Roll on January 2020 and see if all the talking get's whoever is in office another extension to another bill. I hate falling out with people so that's me done on Brexit.
You're allowed to dislike Corbyn. That isn't the point. It's that Johnson is not fit to run this country. Not liking or agreeing with the leader of the opposition doesn't change that. Johnson is simply unfit and improper to be PM.
Not falling out mate whatever is said ,proposed , argued or whatever will not make a difference to the big picture . The pillocks who left us in this sh it with no forethought of how to carry it through have damaged this country .
He's that good even his own brother can't stay as a Tory MP!!!! BBC News - Jo Johnson quits as MP and minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49594793
His ‘job’ as a politician is to get the support of his own party and as many other people as necessary to pass the laws he promised in his leadership campaign. What you’re saying is that he’s failed because it’s someone else’s fault he can’t do the actual job he applied for. He’s a cretin who had the ability to appeal to a few thousand Tory party members using charm and bluster. But now he has the job, he has to convince a wider spectrum of people that he can be trusted to do the job. No matter what you ‘believe’ about what happens in the HoC they’ve so far trusted a PM and several Brexit ministers to negotiate on behalf of the whole country. Albeit that came to nowt. However, BoJo can’t even command the trust of his own brother to do the right thing.
He's a racist liar. You like racist liars? Is that what "steel" is? Being a racist liar? Just so there's no confusion, he's a racist liar.
Yes, I think some (maybe many) people like that. People spend most of their lives not acting on their worst feelings, thoughts, and impulses because they know they cannot get through their lives acting like that without severe repercussions. So when they see someone that doesn't repress their worst impulses and doesn't have repercussions, they think "finally!", it is liberating. It's part of his appeal. Similar to Trump.
Thing is there’s talk of the Brexit Party taking labour seats and they’ll vote every Tory policy through if they get in labour seats wtf
Go on then nudge, educate me. What ‘job’ has he got ‘done’? To my clearly untrained eye he’s just made it even more of a pigs ear. But of course that won’t be his fault, it will be the opposition. For opposing what he wants...
Yes, because that's the most vital thing we need right now. No expertise or anything like that. Just a proper type of fella who likes women and likes a laugh. So, anybody out of the heterosexual male population of the country will do then. FFS
As a father of daughters... who wants someone who ‘likes women’ the way he does? He likes to impregnate them but take no responsibility for his offspring and likes to slap em about a bit. Just like a spotty 15 yr old from a sink estate. I’d hope most of us have more grown up values than those. And those of us who ‘like women’ don’t just see them as something to **** or punch.
It makes perfect sense that people trust this guy over Jeremy Corbyn. I mean it's possible to distrust both of them, but Johnson over Corbyn? La-la land stuff.
Reading everything in the BBS as well as trying to understand just what the eff is going on, I’m interested in people thoughts on the following: In Barnsley the Brexit referendum returned votes of 68.2% leave from a turnout of just under 70%. In the general election 2017 on a c. 60% turnout labour won all 4 seats 3 of which were by landslides. We are now in a position where the Conservative leadership is that of an unelected divisive leader and the main opposition party which Barnsley predominantly voted forcing bills to get Brexit delayed or cancelled. Assuming there will be another Gen. Election in October how do you see the Barnsley vote going? Won’t vote Conservative - obvs reasons Can’t vote Labour - they aren’t offering the will of their constituents + Jeremy Can’t vote Liberal - manifesto is to Remain Brexit party = Boris’ mate I genuinely think it’s all totally fcucked.