50k fine for a marketing gimmick that also raised 30k for charity PP's response about the FA was to highlight a recent mere 10k fine for millwall racist chanting. nothing the FA FIFA or UEFA do surprises me
I don't know the wrongs and rights of this from a legal standpoint, but as a close relative of a gambling addict I am extremely uncomfortable with the way many clubs have jumped in bed with gambling companies. I find the whole thing morally reprehensible. I don't have an issue with this fine. That the FA got the fine imposed on Millwall wrong does not make this fine wrong in my opinion.
I was about to pile in on the FA on this one but Jay has a point. Paddypower didn't pull this stunt in order to give money to charity. If they wanted to do that they could just straightforward...give money to charity. Their real aim is publicity and, consequently, more profits. The FA don't escape censure though because if they had any decency they'd outlaw betting sponsorships in the first place.
Fully agree. Betting on football brings the game into disrepute. I'm sorry, but when money is involved then the contest of the better team winning is compromised and the argument that it's just a bit of fun holds no water. Advertising it flagrantly on websites frequented by and shirts worn by minors is not just morally bankrupt it's actually unlawful. That football clubs have got away with promoting gambling to juveniles for so long is as perplexing as it is reprehensible.
Do you think that betting on a horse means that there is a compromise involved? I can understand the advertising argument (although that means there should be no advertising on e.g. booze).
Ps I don't think alcohol companies should sponsor football clubs either, it's advertising directed at minors so should fall within those laws
Well if the kids don't get their booze or betting fix from the shirts then they'll get it from the adverts on tv flashed around the ground. And everywhere else kicking about. Just cos it's not on the shirt doesn't mean it's not there. I agree it's not right. But don't stop the horse racing!
I'm not a puritan, I have no issue with horse racing. Adults should be allowed to do what they want. But it doesn't advertise itself to children in any way.
Not sure why you ought not to be entitled to bet on football too, along with horse racing. There are humans involved, with the capacity to affect the result in both events.
But horse racing really doesn't matter beyond the race they are running And it only matters to the stakes put on the race because that's what it's about
Tell that to the Cheltenham gold cup winning owner. Horse racing is a sport. There are those who want to be the best, train the best, win the prize just like in football.
Be honest with me about this, do you think football would survive if betting was outlawed on the game? Do you think horse racing would?
Horse racing as we know it would be dead in the water, apart from the amateur and point to point stuff. Football would take a minor hit. That's being honest.