To be fair, there isn't a lot of competition! I'd probably go Harold Wilson, but he wasn't at his best in his last term.
I can't disagree with you on this. A lot of your historical arguments are bang on the nail TBH. Ironically the Good Friday Agreement was his greatest achievement & this is now standing in the balance. The stalemate now is a disgrace on both sides of the sectarian divide. Sadly most that worked for it in N Ireland have now passed on. Paisley & McGuinness were massively guilty of hundreds of deaths & realised eventually that peace needed to come, with the help of some great diplomacy. All that seems to be being sacrificed in the UK over sabre rattling over Brexit. Very, very sad.
In fairness to Blair & the illegal wars, the vast majority of MP’s wanted them & we would’ve been going to war if any Conservative led & 90% of Labour MP’s led. I think their was Corbyn, McDonnell possibly Galloway & maybe a handful of others. Everyone else wanted us to be America’s ally & to go to war
No their was a lot more labour MPs than that voted against the war . The labour movement mobilised along with others to a massive demonstration against the war one of if not the biggest demonstration ever. And many Labour MPs threw their weight behind it and ministers resigned over it .
actually 84 Labour MPs and 52 Lib Dems voted against and a further 69 Labour and the remaining Lib Dem abstained so more than a handfull
Possibly . The war would never have got the go ahead under a labour govt but the Tories to a man voted for the war .
Sorry my friend, but the division we see now is unheralded in my lifetime - thedivision caused by Thatcher was terrible but nothing compared to what we have now. The common denominator - the Tories.
Robin Cook & Clare Short resigned the front bench. Cook's speech is one of the greatest resignation speeches ever.
The correlation there is the tories isn’t it? As you say Thatcher divided us and this lot of wankpufffins have done the same. The 52/48 thing is a bit of an exaggeration for everyone on both sides who made an informed choice just as many made on on the spot decision based on how they felt that day./ week etc. My dad voted leave my mum was going and I thought she had but told me recently she voted remain as they’d had a row to spite him. Of the ones who voted you probably have 3/4 million people on either side who really cared and the rest like me not so much. Unfortunately we have let the extremists on both sides set the agenda. Brexit should have been straightforward a narrow vote to leave. You should respect that vote. You should also acknowledge the closeness . You negotiate Norway +! You go back to people to confirm that this is what they want in a confirmatory referendum should have been sorted within 12 months of the Ref. May decided to pander to extremes to try and shore the tory party up and we arrive back at my first paragraph.
Can't really claim the GFA was his work though. He signed it a few months after coming into power and was happy to take the credit. Seem to remember its origins were back in around 1992 when a catholic priest brokered talks between the IRA and UK Government, sanctioned by John Major. Long slog by Mo Mowlem and I also remember a canadian general Jean De Chasterlain (excuse spelling) being an honest broker with the paramilateries. Blair came after the hard yards, saying "not time for a sound bite...but here's one anyway cos I'm a one trick pony
Hi marlon, not particularly defending the Tories but recall I thought, well if the priminister of this land stands up in parliment and states on record he has credible intelligence the Iraqis have chemical weapons and are capable of deploying them against us in 45 minutes, anybody would be swayed to some extent, I know I was. Perhaps the tories and other MPs were also swayed by this. If Saddam had stayed in power we wouldnt have the Iranians throwing their weight around now (that is why I thouht they'd left him there after routing his army in Gulf War 1) When it was found the intell was the dodgy dossier, I think he should have gone to prison...the worst thing a PM can do, send our young lads to die for an out and out lie
Fair enough Blair was saying that at the time but but let’s not kid ourselves there was plenty of credible experts saying it was a sham . Most of the media were sceptical there was a massive movement against the war . Also most other party didn’t vote for it , Labour Mps voted against it, Respected Government ministers resigned , most other countries didn’t believe Bush . But I suppose the cop out for Tory MPs was well it were Blair etc etc . and there were murmurs from some Tories that they thought it most likely it was **** and Bull. While ever Blair says he thought it was right at the time no one can say different but there’s plenty of deceased soldiers families don’t think that .
My recollection was that there was plenty of objection too, but mostly on the grounds intervention ward we're wrong. At the time I don't think anybody in politics called Blair out as a liar. Piers Morgan as editor of the mirror doubted wmd existed but lots of people, me included took Blair at his word. I don't think anybody contemplated a pm would send lads to war knowing it was based on a lie
Tony Blair the war criminal who went along with a illegal war, who sold NHS hospitals and land to private companies so they could rent it back now hospitals like pinderfields in wakefield are on their arse therefore doing his bit to privatise the NHS. And the bone idol with no intention of work had never had it as good.