Even in this age when mp’s seem impervious to scandal and retain position... how can a PM with no majority, who has lied to the queen, people, parliament and courts, be allowed to continue?
I don’t think a GE is the answer. In the most incredible times, a govt of national unity is required, as it was at the outset, a GE will resolve nothing at this time
Why he's going to win the GE. Ask the EU for an extension, negotiate with the EU for f cuk all until January and then offer the people another referendum.
Because the opposition voted down the offer of a election? And that sadly a election will likely lead to the same party forming a government.
I suspect there is now enough movement to unseat this PM and form a temporary one to manage brexit. As long as Corbyns ego doesn’t get in the way, that should be very possible.
Am I missing something here. I can understand the glee being expressed at Johnson getting a bloody nose (has he won a vote on anything since he became PM!) but the longer game is an election and, with Labour’s bonkers stance, a likely comfortable Tory victory. In the meantime there is no change to Britain’s position in Europe - we’re out - whether in 35 days, 3 months or 6 months. In the meantime, and afterwards, you have a Country tearing itself apart for years to come.
Lets see what he actually does once he has a bit of time to reflect. I agree a Government of national Unity is the smart thing for the short term - but I dont know if I have confidence in Corbyn to be sensible about this I dont think Labour have a hope of winning a GE if once is called now
It's rumbled on too long now and pitting the people against one another. It could escalate further if allowed to. I voted leave but would happily forget the whole thing and move on.
If I was running a general election campaign under the banner of “people vs the establishment” I wouldn’t think that this was the worst news in the world
He won't win a General Election. Labour had their last chance to unify & send out a clear, unequivocal message on Brexit this week and they've fu.cked it.