Sky News, and others to follow presumably, are reporting that the Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, advised that proroguing parliament wouldn’t be illegal - and so presumably good old Boris will say ‘not my fault, the chief legal adviser told me it was ok guvnor’ and carry on as though nothing happened, whilst someone else takes all the flak. Might even be enough to save that horrible lovely person Cummings too, as I had thought it would be him thrown to the wolves to try and save Johnson. Might not be needed now. (The torygraph, sorry, Telegraph, have written a piece on how it would be a mistake to oust Cummings! Do me a favour, other than Johnson there’s barely even a Tory mp who can abide the odious cretin). Funny how it’s Sky breaking the Attorney General news, with a clear spin on it to make out it isn’t Johnson’s fall to take, it wasn’t him who misled the Queen, he’s just been horribly misadvised by the Attorney General and so it’s clearly not his doing... and people will lap it up. Accidentally on purpose leaked by the Johnson administration to their friends at the right wing newsrooms? Never, surely not...
Clearly Boris's legal advisers have made an almighty **** up so deserve the criticism they are getting. They are paid mighty well to provide guidance to the PM over legal matters and have failed miserably. They are the fall guy and deservedly so.
And even after all this corbin still cant get in as PM. Thats the real joke out of all this... oh and fact its still maggies fault!!
IF he gave that advice, then he is not a sacrificial lamb, he is at fault. PM's have supposedly skilled advisers to know the legal stuff, they are get very well paid and are trusted to know the answers. ITs all well and good BJ bashing (god that sounds so wrong ) as much as he deserves a lot of it, but if he took proper steps before acting then it really isn't his fault
The leaking of the ‘unredacted’ advice he was given is working a treat I see... Him (Cox) giving incorrect advice was clearly his error. So yes he should be asked about that. However the ‘documents’ that a Sky ‘source’ has ‘seen’ were not accidentally provided to them. It is a hastily arranged attempt at drawing attention and blame away from Johnson - and is as subtle as a brick to the head. But like I say, people will lap it up, the coverage will go to town on it on both tv and the written media.
Hey up Maggie, Boris is a retard PM that’s fek’d up big style accept it instead of doing the typical Tory defensive head spinning to see who’s in view to blame
As above, ignorance is no defence... That said, I’d guess next months salary that the advice wasn’t that clear cut, the AG may have advised that he might get away with it, but I doubt very much he advised that it wasn’t illegal and he’d definitely get away with it. However, as was mentioned earlier, it makes no difference to anything. Johnson is already in the midst of an election campaign that Cummings has written as the people v the establishment. This is just more of the establishment trying to bully ‘the people’ Back in Parliament MPs can’t force Johnson into doing something he doesn’t want to, and they can’t replace him as there’s no consensus for an alternative; so worst case scenario is he has to ask for an extension, after which he’ll fight an election on that basis and win back a slim majority as there’s no credible alternative. All that we were spared by Prorogation was more to and fro in Parliament.
If it’s true why does it matter how it came out? Just pointing out that you had basically weighed in because he was a Tory and you didn’t like him and that the term sacrificial lamb was imho incorrect
Hmmm Funny that some documents just happen to fall into the hands of Sky News that appear to blame Cox not Boris This completely skips over the fact that the Queen was lied to Also Prorogation is legal - it was the extended prorogation with no basis other than to muzzle parliament that wasnt - do we know exactly what question Cox was answering Final point why did no one from the govt including Cox and Boris be prepared to say under oath what the reason for prorogation was Dont get me wrong I have no sympathy for Cox in this - but to put the blame solely on him - no thats not right
Just to be clear here I’m not defending Johnson as such, but this is exactly what any politician in powers would have done, like the Labour Party have bent over backwards to try to keep Corbyn out of the **** at their conference
He doesn't have to be the advice, the final decision is down to the stupid blonde one and no doubt Rees smug, thinking they could ride rig shod over the Country
Now they've had the No deal Brexit bill past and won at the supreme court do you think there is actually any chance of Corbyn, Sturgeon, Bercow and Miller nailing their colours to the mast? I doubt it. I'm just waiting for their next agenda.
If the legalities surrounding this particular proroguation were straightforward, it wouldn't have needed the Supreme High Court to sort it out. The fact that the initial court ruling went the other way shows how complex it was. Even the first set of judges got it wrong. Not too surprising then that Cox may also have come to the wrong conclusion (if that's what happened... I've yet to see any details on exactly what his advice was).