If we remain in the EU or leave with a deal. All our Armed forces and Nuclear Deterrent will be handed over and under the direct control of The EU
What an absolute load of twaddle. On a par with the claims that Turkey would join and their citizens flood in to the country. It's this type of tosh that undermines the original referendum result.
EU army will be used to quash any internal oppostion to the EU regime. Can see their tanks rolling into Eastern European capitals like the Soviet ones once did.
I doubt that , Yaxley- Lennon and co wouldn’t be protesting against the EU if that were the case they’d be commanding the first wave .
I'm too horrified to laugh. The fact that people out there believe and regurgitate this ******** is literally terrifying.
Are people really that thick they believe this ****? I guess on balance they are but that’s a depressing thought.
This is why we should never, ever, have another referendum on anything. The majority of us, including me, don't know enough to make an informed decision.
Cue loads of people shouting I have enough intelligence to make an informed decision with L & R on their wellies .
You know when Brexiteers moan that they're been talked down to, as if they don't know what they're talking about.....