Correct - The Ulster Unionists wagging the NI dog, the ERG wagging the Tory dog and the 17,400,000 brexiteers wagging the 513,500,000 EU dog.
Whatever trade route we go down other than uniting Ireland there will need to be a hard border unless we apply zero tariffs on all imports as even a hard brexit and confirming to WTO rules would require this unless we impose across the board zero tariffs. It’s not the tail wagging the dog it’s more us forgetting that the dog had a tail. The obvious answer would be to unite Ireland and give both Scotland and Wales the option of independence
Yes, an all Ireland referendum on a unified Ireland. The results of which would make this current debacle look like a pillow fight
What? What happened to the proposed thermal-imaging, artificial intelligence Skynet technology border we were all promised?
All your doing there is rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.. moaning about buffoon Boris.. What it's all about is who makes our laws and protects our children and grandchildren for generations to come. Coz once your in then that's it, game over. You couldn't even have a war with em cos they'd control our army.. And as for " being lied too" don't get me started its been project fear since Cameron said we could have a vote . I think if you're waiting/hoping for Brexiters to change their vote, you'll be waiting a awful long time.
I’m not in favour if brexit but if you are to brexit the only way to do it without imposing a hard border or zero tariffs is to unite Ireland. People supporting Brexit need to accept that and see it as a price worth paying or not. It’s time for honesty not hiding behind imaginary technological solutions
You clearly have no clue about the troubles, united Ireland would be worse. It's a no win situation except to keep it as per the good Friday agreement, but we have caused this problem.
So we need to reserve the right to have wars with our friends and neighbours in Europe? F***ing hell fire! Is this really how far we have sunk?
I understand the troubles. My solution would be to revoke Article 50 and not bother. However if you support brexit there is only one answer to the issue of the Irish border and that is to unite Ireland. Anyone proposing brexit without doing so is either disingenuous or dishonest. It’s time those in favour of brexit made their choice if there choice is brexit rather than continuing peace then that is on them.
we make 99.9% of our own laws, those small few that we dont we agree with and benefit us. i dont really know whats hard to understand.
After last week, I’d imagine Johnson (but maybe not you) will know exactly where our laws are made. As for protection for the kids,,,, they need protection, not from the EU but from the very man charged with sorting the problem out. The Tory’s have a great track record of looking after working class northerners. Check it out
Nothing at all to do with Brexit.I reckon most English people would have preferred a united Ireland in the first place. However, don't the Northern Irish get a say in this? Theres not a cat in hells chance they'd vote for a United Ireland despite voting Remain at the referendum.
And I am not convinced the ROI would want NI back. A lot of straight talking down here about the economic cost of the 6 counties and covering off the subsidies given to them by the UK Govnt.
The GFA includes a clause to hold a referendum on reuniting at some point in the future. The protestant, unionists are breeding slowly than the Catholic, republicans, so it is only a matter of time before the majority would vote to join Ireland - especially as the UK gov is in breach of the GFA already (the right to self-declare as Irish, British or both is no longer upheld).
It’s the reality of brexit those arguing for brexit should also be making the case for a united Ireland as it is the only real answer to the brexit paradox. It’s on them to persuade Irish people that this is the right answer.
Not all People who voted Brexit would do so again now that’s a fact , I know many who have changed their minds now let alone the notion of peace in NI at risk . You say they won’t change their minds well let’s find out , I don’t want them to cancel Brexit as the Lib Dem’s but I do want a confirmation vote before we do , but Reece Mogg etc are shitting themselves . As for the lies and scaremongering been done by remainers I have made lots of posts stating the lying isn’t owned by just one side , both sides have lied just as you have done with the EU Army gaff. Just what proof have you that this is gonna be better for our grandchildren ? I’ll tell you what, NONE whatsoever .and it isn’t a moan about buffoon Boris as you put it it’s about the damn lies we’ve been told about this shower of a referendum with a majority you couldn’t pass rules in a WMC with . It’s time this came back to the people and sorted once and for all .