Thanks for doing this gooderzone. I don’t know how this works. How does the money get to them? Do we need contact with some of their family?
Well done for setting this up. Let's do what we can to support this family. I've shared across Twitter, and within minutes Cavare shared and donated. I'm doing the Yorkshire Marathon in two weeks. It's for Weston Park but will also raise part towards this. RIP FELLOW RED
I will send it to them. I’ll probably go through the club to ensure it goes to the right people/person
Hopefully we get a few quid to at least help them send him on his way in a befitting way. I have donated, lovely to see that Dimi Cavare has done so too.
Done, what a sad story this is. I hope the lad gets a really good send-off and the club and players get involved too. RIP Mr Wroe.
Done, Can’t imagine the upset and grief this has caused the family but hope my small donation gives some comfort for the family and let’s them know we care very much.
Totally agree and a special well done to you for setting up the page and giving us chance to pay our respects.
Quite a few players donating now which is fantastic to see. I'm guessing a few of the anonymous donors are players as well.