You are right to look at the positives. It's understandable people are down at the moment. Let's hope DS can find some solutions for what are a difficult run of fixtures ahead.
I'm not but on the whole as a Barnsley fan I've seen us have more poor seasons than good ones and worse managers than we have now and played more negative dire football. I know we're not doing enough to stay up as it stands but there's 3/4 of the season left. Yes I felt down yesterday at the result but realistically I didnt expect this season to go well Good coaches shine when the going gets tough. I'm hoping Daniel falls into that category. Just watched my young un play, not letting their heads go down and working hard is paying off but it does take some time. Maybe we dont have enough time but the fact that teans in the championship seem able to raje points of each other also gives me a bit of hope.
Fact is only 3 clubs out of 23 will be happy at the end of the season probably. Go onto any other fans forum and you ll be getting similar to this at points in the season. Some people are happy when they're moaning and that's fine but personally I like to moan at the time then look forward to the next game. Each to their own and I honestly dont have a problem with those that disagree with me on here. As an aside, just watched Newcastle vs Manure , they get the win and a new local hero. As Gary Neville said, that's what football is about. These days come around, probably on the one you decide not to attend!
But how many of the 23 are pretty sure they know the outcome by early-October? For what it’s worth, I’ve attended a few good days and many of the other sort since 1966. I had hoped for better under these new owners but I feel pretty embarrassed, and angry, at the way it’s turning out.
In the Great ChaIn of Being - none of this matters. Why be negative? (a personality trait which seems embedded in people with a genetic Barnsley background). It's not important. The club is not in financial difficulty. It is not going the way of Bury or even Bolton. Sure Saturday was not pleasant to watch. Especially listening to Preston commentators via the IFollow video link. Did you know that one of our substitutes was called Malcolm Wilkins? They cannot pronounce McGeehan, and keep putting a guttural Irish sound before the last syllable. He was brought up in the South and is not Irish. As for the pronunciation of Bähre - they haven't got a ******* clue. Mowatt becomes Miawoatt. Ignorant Muppets.
The sun rises for another week in paradise and we all still have a team to support and love. There’s your ultimate positive.
In an attempt to carry the positivity on I am willing to stick my neck out and predict that we will keep a clean sheet this coming Saturday.
Splitting the table into 3 parts, we've played 5 of the top 8, 3 of the middle 8, and 3 of the bottom 8. Can't get much more positive than that.
Yep, there’s a few that if you were in a tight spot alongside them in the trenches, you’d shoot yourself
Must admit I'm quite glad we've a week off. Hopefully some optimism can creep back into the ground by the next natch.