Sad thing is, we won't get another manager as passionate about not only the football club but the way he immersed himself into the town. It was scary how much of a feel good factor HE brought to the club/town. I don't believe the board like being questioned, it was becoming a more regular thing that Daniel was stating how we needed experience, they don't like that. Therefore we won't have anyone who is going to care for the club, because they will feel the same way as Daniel, it's going to be a yes man who is appointed, someone happy to pick up a wage and have players sold from underneath them and not replaced. Because it's clear what happens when you begin to ask for help from these "owners" I can't wait to see Daniel succeed when he goes to his next job and is backed, it will always be an honour to say we experienced the fantastic football he gave us! Once a Red always a Red
I think DS will go to Sunderland and will be a massive success and next season Sunderland will give him their full backing following promotion. More likely though he will return to Germany due to family reasons and he will succeed over there and go onto be a future German team coach leaving everyone at Oakwell dreaming what could have been.
We just don't want experience on the pitch, we want it in the board room to have experience of running an English football club