You perceive a crusade, there is no crusade. I merely want whats best for my club. And that transcends one game of football on Saturday and who may be in a seat on the dugout. I'm sure you didn't intend to offend, I just felt it was what I described it as (and not on my own it seems), but yes, lets leave it where it is.
Right! I’ve had enough of you two bickering, both of you, go to your rooms and don’t come out until you’re ready to apologise to each other, I’m trying to catch up on strictly and all I can hear is you two arguing.
If our new owners redevelop the ground, plow money into the academy, appoint a manager who gets us playing Brazilian style football, gets us promoted to the premier league, spends money on the likes of Ashley ward and jan fjortoft when it becomes apparent we need experience, when that manger walks, appoints a naive ex pro who struggles they decide to sack him while still in a decent position in the championship then the John Dennis comparison is ok and justified
They asked if they could stay out 10 minutes longer but aye I’ve packed them off to bed without any supper
A hell of a lot of things are bigger than football though reading most of the drivel written on here most days you'd think not
I would hope nobody is blaming Patrick for the way our current owners are running our beloved club. He's not to blame in the slightest for what's happened over the past couple of seasons.
This is like one of those 'Mother Teresa has been dead for 20 years but she'd have really approved of Brexit' things.
I was never the biggest fan of Mr Cryne but this whole sainthood thing that's come about over the last two years is absolutely barmy.
I was a big fan of Mr Cryne and I don't know that there's any kind of sainthood, but a respect from many of us for his efforts whilst steering the ship.