It's a bit unfair to compare the attendances, I think. Bear in mind that Sweden is nearly four times larger than England, but there are only about as many people living there as in London.
Face it peeps. Their logic is self defeating. Appoint a manager out of nowhere with no relevant experience, sack him when he doesn't cause the earth to rock on its axis, blame him not themselves.
Would rather have Martin Jol personally but I can see why our knowledgeable board like this guy, I have followed the Swedish second tier for some time and think he will fit well here, for sure.
It will open up the club to the Iranian market. There might me loads of untapped potential at our fingertips.
Well we may as well leave it as is then with Adam Murray doing the job, can’t see as it makes any odds, better the devil you know for me...
Sky are now claiming their sources believe he's in the running, seems to be the first manager where anything has been properly picked up on during our search, something obviously in it. Swedish reports reckon he has a clause of £160k to release him of his contract