My daughters are 20 and 23 and I'm taking them to Disneyland on Christmas day in Shanghai!!! Never too old.
Given the concept that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities, and that in those universes everyone is living an infinite amount of simultaneous lives - does the board think in one of those universes supporters might be able to spell Stendel?
Dane Murphy will be in attendance as will Beth as the long-time organiser of these meetings (and font of all knowledge). Not sure there are any owners in attendance.
Haha. Yeah I'm probably being a little tongue in cheek. I'm actually super excited and my Rapunzel dress and wig are packed and ready.
It is but this not a public meeting. A variety of fan representatives are invited e.g. from The Courthouse, Hoyland Reds, Matchday Drinkers etc etc. I can't go as BBS representative and I wanted someone to go along and report back. Especially considering a lot of the questions that have been raised since Daniel's sacking it seemed like a good opportunity for people to ask questions. Whether or not any answers are forthcoming without any of the owners being present is a different thing.
Will you be inviting a rep from the Dearne Valley this time? I'm sure sharky or Pete Loates will be interested in attending.
I am a fan of Frozen which is a Disney film. I am not a fan of the Daniel Stendel situation however. I know its been a while but at what point do i let it go?