Never thaught would feel like this but cannot be bothered latley missed 2 home games so far and that never ever happens but nothing is making me want to go and don't no what will, swooped my shift for Friday but not gonna bother again, sad times down at oakwell gonna be long 2 years ahead cos we not gonna stay up, then the question is will we be good enough for first division?
On the flip side im looking forward to getting down to t'well on friday and giving the lads my support at a time when they need it the most.
You can only give so much support, but when you don't get anything back from players or board then it's disartening, when u put money into club by tickets merchandise and get nothing back, don't need a badge of honour just team spirit for full 90 mins would be nice
With the exception of Wilks and at times Cavare, I've seen no lack of commitment or effort from the players. Maybe they aren't good enough but it seems too many people are using their beef with the board as an excuse to stop going because we aren't winning games. I do wonder how many of those who've "lost interest" will stick to their guns if we start winning.
You're right about effort and commitment, in the main, I don't think that is what we are lacking. It's just ability for these young lads, so early in their careers, being asked to match the experience of the Chris Martin's of this league. I assume most of us have a driving license, so can term themselves as 'drivers', but if thrown into a Formula 1 race, would try extra hard, but come last by a country mile. Well, these lads earn a living as 'footballers'. Many will get to the required standard, some will drop down the leagues, but ultimately, they are footballers being expected to do better than their best.
You can give the lads your support all you want but they're all looking for the first opportunity to get out of the door and make more cash, whether you like it or not. And the Board's policy encourages them to do just that. That's without prejudice to the effort they've put in so far and their future potential once they are properly ready for the Championship.
Not going Friday either pal, feel exactly the sane way and just can’t motivate myself to go. Sad times indeed. During my lifetime we’ve been owned by Barnsley folk and fans, now we’re just a rich mans experiment.
Same here, Mr Trickster. Keeping warm and watching with the family on Sky while sampling Trappist ales holds more appeal than battling with the ongoing fiasco that is the South Stand Car Park and freezing thi cobblers off to watch our defence open up Santa's Grotto yet again.