It’s pathetic. So parts of the country where constituents voted to remain should also be entitled to a vote of independence? Don’t really like to talk politics on here but I can’t stand Ian Blackford.
Why does everyone on here quote the Daily Mail every time someone has a different point of view? I've never read the Daily Mail in my life and have been a Labour voter all my life so don't tar everyone with the same brush. The Greek government wanted to come out of austerity imposed by the EU but were prevented from doing so by Merkel. If you're currently in Greece ask them what they think of the EU and Germany's influence. I have relatives in Greece and know exactly what they think of the interference from the EU. Have you forgotten the riots in the streets?
They've spent the last 40 years being told that independence and the EU are incompatible - it's not their fault they're ignorant of the facts.
They're both Unions - one with 4 countries, the other with 28. They are currently members of both unions.
The parts of the country you talk of is infact a country its self. So why should it not be an independent country?
My apologies, I just assumed from the sound bites, half truths and missing facts that your information had come from the daily mail rather than research and knowledge.....
One of those unions gives them clear benefits - the other imposes Tory austerity to a country where the vast majority of constituencies return a left of centre MP, MSP, MEP
They’ll never make the budgetary requirements to join, Germany don’t want another Greece. Jimmy Kranky runs a massive deficit, which precludes membership of the Euro which is as prerequisite to join the EU. The Scottish government would need to enact a massive austerity program. I’m sure she’s well aware of this, hoping that somehow the EU will look the other way.
Curious how patronising mocking names are attached to a female leader of a country with a certain valid view with a considerable majority of electoral support.... yet Boris, and man of the people Nigel, are lauded over despite their failures and lack of election wins. Curious.
Don’t like Nicole sturgeon at all. She’s very patronising and her love affair with the eu is absolutely cringe. I do understand there want for independence and they should have a right to have to them wanting to stay in the eu? Ask the Irish. They are starting to moan now about it all. Michael Collins from the Roi he didn’t fought the tans for nothing. He and the rest wanted an independent Ireland. He would of never let them into the eu.
Some questions Ian. If Brexit happens then Scotland along with the rest of the UK will be out of the EU. Sometime later an Independence Referendum is held in Scotland and the majority vote to leave and Scotland is then no longer part of the UK Do Scotland's people then have a referendum to see if they want to be part of the EU? Does Scotland then have to apply to the EU for membership?
It’s not my job to answer for Ian .....but I will. Question 1. That’s a decision for the Scottish Parliament. Question 2. Yes. What is it with the English and their chips on the shoulder about Scotland? Scottish independence isn’t an anti English thing. It’s just a recognition (after many years) that the values and ethics in England are now very different to those in Scotland. Essentially those Scottish values are around community, the common good, and society being governed for the benefit of all. They are no longer English values but I thought many from Barnsley still held them and so, would understand them. The really exciting thing about the Scottish independence movement is how youthful it is. People not brought up on all that ‘Auld enemy’ ******** who just want to carve their own identity. It’s a very positive vibrant movement. And many think it fits into the European family model. I think it’s also good news, long term, for the North of England. Goodness, there’s even a chance the People of the North of England might get off their knees and ask (doffing their caps as they do so - no doubt) for greater control over THEIR lives from the South East of England. Her’s hoping.