Watch the latest videos from Barnsley on iFollow - After listening this I am 99% sure he will be next manger same old situation on way...
Fairly predictable and expected. Give it him until the end of the season and if we stay up give him the job permanently. If we go down then they'll have 7-8 month to find a new manager that fits the pathway forward.
No manager worth his salt would take us on anyway as things stand. No surprise that Murray will get the job until EOS.
Historically, the club has frequently gone down the route of appointing a permanent manager/Head Coach from within. In 1960, it was Johnny Steele. Norman Hunter in 1980. 1984 Bobby Collins. 1994 Danny Wilson. 1998 John Hendrie. 2002 Glyn Hodges. 2005 Andy Ritchie. 2006 Simon Davey. 2013 David Flitcroft. 2016 Paul Heckingbottom. At the time, only Norman Hunter wasn't labelled the cheap option. Five actually won promotion for the club.
Listened to it - can’t see anything in there that’s not already been said. It’s just a case to see who’s applied and how well Adam does I reckon.
Possibly the players. He's gone from the under 18's to the first team and hasn't played to that high a standard.
Not a clue who will get the job but there will be a list a mile long for a championship managers job.Whoever the team is.
Under the constraints it's no surprise that we haven't appointed anyone yet. Even your merry go round managers wouldn't apply.