I tried to buy a Dracula outfit this aft, but got offered a Sheffield Wednesday shirt instead. All I did was ask for something to make me look like a count. Apologies for nicking it
Same it’s our first year as home owners and we decorated the porch area and left the light on, bought a big box of chocolates and sweets and I’ve got my Halloween earrings in and not a soul has been.
We did the same, and had 2 visits. The first group of kids was so large, they took more than half of our sweets in one go. The second all girl group polished off the rest. The entire tub gone in 2 visits.
Just one lot here too. It's the first Hl Halloween I've not decorated. Hate the fact my kids are too old now!
We have had nobody as well. Mind you I'm happy, as I still don't understand Halloween because it was not something that happened when I was a kid. Mischievous night (for some) and bonfire night (for most) were all we celebrated.
I remember carving turnips /swedes and telling ghost stories at school. I've always loved bonfire night mist though.
Not a one. As we live on High Street, we regularly used to get loads (as we did with carol singers from December 1st).
We had a couple of visitations, one with loads of village nippers all dressed up (it's always done so well) with all the parents hovering in the background and another with four girls, all dressed in scary things with parents at the rear. Probably twenty kids altogether. Everybody happy and polite. Our dogs rushed out to say hello to them all and since everybody knows everybody in the village it's a nice friendly event. Usually they then all go to the village hall for a little get together for an hour.
It’s been quiet on the ouija board n’all tonight. Anyway I’m off to say the Lord’s Prayer backwards in the mirror
We were the same, an evening of hedge hopping and knock and run followed by a street bonfire ont field. Happy days.
Our estate was awash with them last night, you could hardly move for the little perishers. And big perishers too. All wandering round desperately seeking something. A bit like Grove Street car park before kick-off.