Also, if we have such a good sports science team why do the players now need to do double the training? Weren't they doing the optimum before? If not, what does that say about the sports science team? If so, no wonder they are falling on the floor like tired pit 'osses at the end of games.
Too many of the squad just aren't up to Championship football. They are having to give 100% every game just to try and compete. Players can't keep doing that every game. Even Messi can't do that. It's no wonder they are looking knackered at the end of most games and losing doesn't help either. Who ever thinks doing double training is going to help is on to a loser. I've run over 1445 miles so far this year and I'll tell you something. It's not the running which makes me fitter it's the recovery between each run. The team are just young lads and are not fully developed yet. I don't know any world class 20-23 year olds in the UK who are world class endurance athletes. Inadequate recovery equals overtraining and injury. There was a guy who could run a bit when he was a student and he became one of the most eminent brain surgeons in the world. He said this about sports scientists "The Human Body is centuries ahead of the physiologists" his name was Sir Roger Bannister.
I haven't watched any of the match or ore match so I'm not sure what the full story was but I was sent a clip from someone. Murray said "I've tweeked it abit and got smiles onnthe faces" That's a dig at Daniel. It'll go un noticed, but I know 100000% that was a dig. He's a puppet.
He’s had his go four games with a new manager bounce but he isn’t what we need. We need someone in to drill a defensive system into us. Make every single corner and free kick COUNT
If it’s true what’s actually changed then? Lovely stuff they’re training with smiles on their faces. Meanwhile we’ve picked up 2 points out of 9 and on course to be 2 in 12. Fantastic stuff well at least they’re having a laugh in training.
Don't know what Murray is saying to Dale Tonge, but every time he moves near him to say something Tongey looks less than impressed.
Except if you watch the matchday highlights he hasnt. They looked downright miserable before the Huddersfield match.
Every game I watch we feel like a league 2 team that’s drawn a championship team in the cup. Lots of huffing and puffing and trying our best but quality wins out in the end.
Huddersfield aren’t. We could just as well have lost all three and beaten Huddersfield. Same points. I am though impressed that we’ve managed to rescue points with late goals against Derby and Bristol City. The former not being a Murray game of course. They keep going, no matter who’s managing them. We need to win games - but having a bit of fight (and some nastiness) will do us good.
I like the guy when I hear him in interviews. He comes across as knowledgeable and genuine. I'm not making a call on his ability as a manager, as only time will tell, but I just don't believe there's a need for ad hominem attacks on the manager. players or owners.
We didn't draw against Huddersfield and do you think they will be down there come May? They've still got a multi million pound squad.
...And a pragmatic management team who will set them up to not lose games. No I don’t - to answer the question. But they were when we played them, and they stank out the place on the day too. But got a win when a half competent side in opposition would have beaten them comfortably. It is though the one completely poor performance under Murray. Every other game we’ve looked ok bordering good, but made poor errors.