Like others on here, I like to watch horse racing when I’m not working. Several have posted tips etc too. I used to have ‘At the Races’ as part of my tv package, which was great as it offered all the Irish racing as well as other meetings from around the UK. For those that follow it, will realise that it no longer has a license for these meetings and, I think, was bought out by Racing TV. It’s so ridiculously expensive to have this channel even if you add it to your TV package. Does anyone know a cheaper way to access it?
It's not really the same, but if you bet £1 minimum with certain bookies you can get the feed of individual races. None of the frills and analysis either side though. A £1 six or seven timer would get you all the races at a meeting for your £1. With Bet 365 the races appear in a small window but you can enlarge it by using the 'zoom' feature behind the three dots in the top right hand corner of a Windows Edge screen.
Thanks for your post Orsenkagt. I’ve not used Bet365 but used Skybet and I’m guessing it’s similar. I’ll give it a go cheers.
Racing Post app has multiple bookies (so ship around for best odds) and lets you watch any race you bet £1 or more on. Or take out an IP TV subscription for £55 a year. Watch all live football (including EFL) and racing. PM me if you want the details.
You get all racing channels, including SIS, and bookies tv channels. I’m not a lawyer, so couldn’t possibly comment on the legality or otherwise...
Yes please- that sounds awesome! Yeh not familiar with that Donks either tbh but it does sound just what I’m after. I will PM u cheers.