Number 7 for him, hope it's not lucky.......
I wonder what will “get done” first - brexit or Joey? Perhaps we could get BoJo the clown onto it - surely he’ll get Joey done by the end of January! Whit Monday will hopefully be a **** monday for him.
Jeez!:..No wonder 'justice' is so expensive... How many court appearances so far just to set a trial date over a year after the alleged offence?? Interesting comparison with Italy. A few years ago we returned from the UK after a 3 week visit to find one of our French door windows smashed, another window wide open and a number of items missing (mainly food and alcohol but also a few electronic items either obsolete or low value ) Annoyingly he did steal my Gaggia coffee machine but left some vital bits behind as well as ignoring the very expensive hi-fi home cinema stuff!! It must have happened shortly after we left given the rotting food taken out from the freezer and left in the kitchen We phoned the Carabinieri who sent a civilian round from the Commune who looked, made a few comments and drove off telling us to attend the Carabinieri office the next morning to fill out a report... What ??!! No scene of crime visit, fingerprint check etc.? Not impressed....except.... When we got to the office the Carabinieri, who had not been aware of our break-in, informed us that the culprit was an Albanian with a long history of petty theft and burglary who had recently been let out of prison and who had subsequently burgled several other properties had been caught, tried, sentenced and deported in the three weeks or less that we had been away. Swift justice. We filled out forms stating what had been stolen which they filed. They added that they knew who he was and if he re-appeared he would be deported immediately. They did suspect a child accomplice may have been involved since the opening in the broken window was too small for the burglar to have climbed through and the child must have opened the other window for him to get in. (All the doors deadlock and the keys were hidden)
Why do courts insist on holding trials for those who work in football outside of the season so as to avoid messing up their work schedule? Imagine an armed robber demanding that they don't go to court for a year or two after their crime because they plan on taking an extended holiday in a couple of years.