Labours Deputy Leader Tom Watson has announced tonight that he's leaving politics and will therefore not be standing as a prospective MP at the upcoming election.
Tom Watson stepping down, and he is being nice to Corbyn as he does so. This won’t stop the four unelected billionaires who run most of the bigoted, undemocratic waste of trees which passes for the UK press from telling the fawning lackeys who pass for their editors to write another load of nauseating lying ******** about it, defecting away from the car crash start to the Tories’ election campaign. No plutocrat individual should be allowed to own a newspaper.
Jumping before he’s pushed by his constituents. Of course the cultists who won’t hear a word against the terrorist supporting anti semite will continue to rock back and forth chanting four legs good two legs bad whilst feverishly denying uncomfortable truths. They walk amongst us.
He promised to support Jeremys polices yet tried to stab him in the back ever since becoming deputy leader ever since. Today’s been coming for a while. Daily mail reader I’m guessing
Milne and McCluskey been trying to oust him in every way possible while Corbyn turned a blind eye. Another centrist had the door slammed on them.
Yep because he went against everything he said he would do when he stood to he Deputy Leader under Jeremy Corbyn.
Hmmm. Mate just watched ten o'clock ITV news. Apparently conservatives derailed by unheard off Welsh sec resigning, not much of why labours deputy leader is going. Followed by positive spin for libs and greens. Let's have a think why moderate dep leader would go on eve of election?? I could guess it's racism, dogma, extresism. Btw voted labour in the past and angry there is no effective opposition, labour at the moment isn't it. Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your a dictatorial socialist who belongs to a different age- if he ever belonged at all
you are right you could guess its all those things. and thats what it would be, a guess. why not actually concentrate on what he said not what you thought he said. just like every post from these so called former labour voters, already decided that they dont like, not bothered to look for what they do like.
I agree with the opening bit of that, but please stop peddling the Corbyn myths. Does you no credit, pandering to ill-informed & poorly-researched sh.itrag headlines.
I’ll start by saying I am not and never have been a signed up Labour Party member and have voted both Tory & Labour in past locally. I recall turning the TV on one Sunday morning and the Labour leadership was on and it coincided with it was the start of Tom Watson’s speech, I listened to what he said and sat there and thought how impressive he was and what a good appointment for Labour he was( thinking he was leader at that point).