I see Bristol have voted to ban all diesel cars from the city centre What a staggeringly stupid idea no mention of how they think this will work the impact on the surrounding areas or businesses or residents in the affected area No phased approach - even brand new Euro 6 complaint diesels banned but not a 14 year gas guzzling petrol car. No consideration that for some types of journeys Diesels are less damaging to the environment than petrol cars No initiatives for improved charging for EV - compensation schemes for residents No improvements for cycles etc I could go on Of course a total lack of a coherent transport policy in the country is a far more significant there is a good article on this here https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money...ondons-ULEZ-highlight-scattergun-schemes.html Problem is if others follow suit what are high mileage drivers supposed to do if they cant take their cars into the cities
Not a place I would go to - I have a modern diesel which meets London’s criteria as having “ultra low emissions “ - not just low, ultra low! Simply, Bristol can get stuffed
Coming to every city near you shortly. You are entitled to enter the city centre, but must pay the penalty charge. It's just a money making scheme.
A few years ago a partial diesel ban was introduced in Hamburg, Germany. At first it was just one or two streets, so diesel drivers quickly found alternative routes. In doing so, they travelled further, used more fuel, and produced more pollution. The authorities then banned those routes, but pollution continued to get worse. Eventually a blanket ban was introduced, and only then did the air quality improve.
Others will, thankfully. Buy an electric car. Air pollution is disgusting. Hard to see why you are defending it, to be honest.
I Wonder why they aren't banning diesel engine trains? Maybe the train companies have more clout than the RHA. Even coaches are that are basically doing the same job as trains are banned.
What the going do with coaches full football fans as sure police not want fans walking miles. As for the one commenting buy electric car we not all got 15 to 20 grand spare to buy electric/hybrid
The ban doesn’t include taxis or emergency vehicles. I bought a diesel when they were being pushed as the greener choice and like others cannot afford to buy electric. However we cannot carry on poisoning our kids. If this gets combined with park and ride, better public transport then it becomes hard to argue against. Well not hard to argue against but difficult logically.
Seems a contradiction that they allow local service busses into the centre, like park and ride, but not coaches. C.A.Z was about to be introduced into Leeds city centre in January but has been delayed because the technology needed wasn't up to scratch. £50 to enter Leeds city centre for a HGV, PSV or light haulage.
I dont know whether your post is serious just a wind up How exactly does stating that 14 year old petrol gas guzzlers are allowed but new ultra low emission diesels are banned make me support air polution? and where to start on your buy an electric car idea - most of the "cheaper" electric cars have a range of less than 100 miles - even the top end Tesla's can only reach 300 miles and they are well outside my price range Its not unusual for me to do 400 miles in a day and a few times a year do 650 miles in one day - I can do it on one tank of Diesel - it would be impossible to do that sort of milage in almost all electric cars and even with a long range £80 000 Tesla it would be very difficult - so I need a Diesel or possibly a petrol car Not sure where this idea that electric cars are greener comes from either - true they are less polluting in cities but the elecricity to run them has to come from somewhere and far worse the batteries themselves are very environmentally unfriendly. Also what do you think would happen if say in the next year or even 5 years everyone switched to electric -where is the power coming from - we are heading for a generating crisis as it is due to lack of planning from governments and that's without a huge surge in demand for cars.
To be fair nearly every taxi I get in these days (&I take a lot) is a hybrid. Most taxi drivers around Leeds use them & their fuel bills are as little as £10 a week. That is a massive saving for someone self employed. I take on board a lot of comments made on this thread & the money making aspect is certainly one, although in the long run every large city will take measures like this. Pollution levels are killing people & something needs to be done. Not that I'm totally behind how this is being implemented mind.
LOL, it's a no brainer with costs & I've not been in a non hybrid up here in Leeds / Headingley for ages. Things like ice cream vans are massively regulated & TBH if you run your own business you have to get with the programme. I don't run a flash motor by any degree, but decided when my 2004 L200 pickup was on it's arse in may I bought a Dacia Logan. Not a chick magnet, but does twice the miles to the gallon, £20 road tax a year (2016 model) & I can get a **** load of PA & lighting gear in the back. It's all about choices. I had that because I used to do loads of festivals & stuff, but I worked out the money I save I can turn down those jobs, or farm them out to someone else, who is willing to pay the fuel & road tax costs.
as I was eating my lunch, saw plenty of black cabs. A fair number will be diesel engines. Same when I was in Birmingham
I'm sure you're right mate. Not questioning it for a minute. Just trying to put an angle on the OP, the sentiments of which I don't disagree with either. As well as mobile wedding work I do a lot of club / bar stuff in big cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool & realised it was time to make a change, even if I lost some work here & there. Nothings ever black & white (slight pun re taxis, sorry).
Maybe sometime when they have built one with a serviceable range that you can charge up immediately that doesn’t cast the earth, I might consider it.
Maybe we should kindly ask Russia, USA and China to do the same . How would people get to work? on a diesel bus or on a diesel train? I think we should stop cows farting.