I’ll start with I’m not a JC fan But then look at what you posted. Let’s fact check. The party elected a leader (whether you or I like him or not) that’s the membership of the biggest political party in Western Europe. More people than have elected our PM by magnitudes. And then let’s look at the majority of labour supporters; they voted remain. I appreciate there’s a lot of noise that comes from the 33% of labour voters who voted leave, but when I went to school 33% was far from a ‘majority’. Being a gobshite doesn’t make one opinion worth more than another.
I don't really think it matters who voted in JC Donny - it is still imo a massive error - time will tell of course but the bookies make the tories 4/7 to win an overall majority and Labour 33/1 - that I think tells you all you need to know
I can't believe Labour over looked that 33% of their voters voted leave when they set about their election campaign.
The fundamental reason its got itself in such a tangle is that its tried to face both ways ineffectually. Its often said about the number of leave voters... but remember, there were over 16m remain voters too. And a large proportion of those were from the formerly pro EU Labour party... before it decided to try and abstain on the matter thereafter.
Why would you think they overlooked that? Given they’ve pledged to negotiate a deal, I’d suggested that gives that 33% quite a large influence. however it’s pointless because as far as I can see every labour voting Brexiteer already made their mind up not to vote labour again. if you can convince someone the EU is the enemy, it’s easy to also vilify Corbyn. just read any Brexit thread here, labour simply won’t attract any brexiteers, they might as well campaign on a remain platform.
It would be moronic in the extreme to jeopardise 70% of their vote by pandering to the 30%. Not that they've pandered to anyone, hence why they can see their vote trimmed from both sides. Whether that translates into seat losses, its hard to know with our flawed electoral system.
I still think the Boris plan is a no deal Brexit. The new modified withdrawal agreement has scope for no deal to come out at the end of it.
It is literally a crapshoot. the only frustration I have is that whilst Corbyn is trying desperately to stick to a line designed to alienate no one he gets panned for it. meanwhile Farage flips about trying desperately to settle on a position that might buy him a friend, he’s seen as the stable one. Meanwhile the country’s going to hell in a handcart because rather than ignoring the bumbling oaf Farage the media thought he had entertainment value.
Labours position on brexit has been all over the place for years. And if you try not to alienate, the best you can do is not alienate... meanwhile pleasing nobody
Likely kills off any chance of a 2nd referendum. Still think it will end in a hung parliament probably the Tories having the most seats.
The number of Leave voting Labour voters in South Yorkshire seats is grossly over-estimated. The referendum brought out a lot of people who don't usually vote.
Trump does a lot of insisting. Most of it ends up being hot air and vinegar. The issue people do not seem to grasp is that the NHS's markets should be open to anyone who is able to and can tend/provide a service. If that means a US drug company offers best value for money for example then so be it. The key aspect with the NHS is it remaining free to use at the point of entry.
We go out of Europe then we ll deal more with America. Can't say I envy them their healthcare system or employee rights.