Hello everyone, I am trying to get in touch with any relatives of deceased former Barnsley players that also played for my club Huddersfield Town. I'm also trying to get in touch with any living ex players that played for both teams as well. The reason for this is I have recently written a book on my team, Where Are They Now? it charts what happened next for every player that has played a game for the club from when we turned professional in 1910. There's a fair few players and relatives that I want to make aware of the book and I'd also like to contact them to see if they can help further my ongoing research. Some of the players whose relatives I am trying to contact are; Frank Chivers Bobby Collins Arthur Fairclough Harry Fearnley Ernie Hine Tony Leighton Arthur Morton John Saunders Archie Taylor Ken Turner Tom Wilson https://amazon.co.uk/dp/1912027607 Can anyone help at all? Or does anyone know any living players that played for both clubs? Any help will be appreciated. Good luck for the season! Thanks L
I know Archie Taylor LSM. He was born in Dunscroft ( Doncaster) and he married my best mate Phil Hansons sister Wendy. He enjoyed a long career playing for the likes of Doncaster Rovers, Bristol City, Town, Barnsley, York and Halifax Town. After he finished playing, he took a job as a travelling salesman for Wilkinson Sword. I left Doncaster in 1987 but I met my mate Phil at a funeral back home a couple of years ago and I enquired about Archie. He was OK and retired and living in a bungalow on High Street Dunsville, Doncaster, South Yorkshire and to the best of my knowledge he still lives there.
Further to my posting on Archie Taylor, if you contact Archie I'm sure he will share some of the stories and memories he had from his time in football. We used to enjoy a pint in our local Working Men's Club the Greenfield and he would tell us about some of his experiences. Most notable of those I remember, was when he moved to Bristol City and the then Manager ( ex- Man City, Derby, Doncaster legend) Peter Doherty did the crossbar challenge and hit it ten out of ten attempts. He also played with Phil Boyer and Ted McDougall and was involved in York City's epic FA Cup run. I believe they got to the fifth round before losing to Liverpool. When he was at Halifax, his Manager Alan Ball Senior had been on a night out boozing with Man City Manager Malcolm Allison. The latter was boasting that he had a player who was that fast, he could "shoe a horse at full gallop. " Balls retort was he had a lad at Halfifax who he called " pigeon" who would beat his man, whereupon Allison challenged Bally with a hefty side bet. Shortly after, Archie ( the pigeon) was driven to a Sports Ground in Manchester where he was introduced to his opponent, namely Colin " Nijinsky" Bell and duly beat him in a 100 metre foot race. Archie loved football, so much, that when he'd packed the professional game in, he came to the Miners Welfare Ground at Dunscroft and signed to play with local lads for Hatfield Main FC who at that time, played in the Yorkshire League. All round a great lad is Archie.