Can’t find any mention of him playing for Austria U21’s last night but thought he was in the squad ? Can anyone more proficient with searching/ surfing find out ?
Good post. Looked myself - can’t even see him on bench. A couple of other Schmidt’s, but not P. Schmidt. Let’s hope he’s not injured!!!!!!
He wasn't involved, not in the team nor on the bench. He was in the full U21 squad though. It could be confusing for people searching. There was a Schmid in the starting line-up, and an Alexander Schmidt on the bench.
According to the link below he's got 10 caps and 3 goals, not sure over which time period though. Due a start for us in my opinion.
Well the senior Austrian team play today, maybe there's a surprise in store? I'm not entirely sure how the age qualification works, but the U21 championships are in 2021, so possibly he will be too old by then? Sometimes U21 players get replaced before they're too old, as the coach experiments in advance of a tournament. Dunno really.
Dont get me wrong I really hope he succeeds. I just worry about his confidence getting knocked if he starts before he's ready.
Odd that he didn't make the bench then, particularly after such a cool measured finish against Stoke. I'm assuming he's picked up a knock.
I'd love to see him start against Blackburn with Woodrow. He played well in the small time he was on the field against Stoke.