The pissed up dad stood outside the gents about 1430 with two kids aged about 6 and 8. Smiling proudly as they regaled us all with the Bambo chant (racist version). Followed by "Blackburn a sh**hole i wanna go home. Followed by "f**k off rovers". You Sir must be very very proud. Christ.
Why not have a word with him instead of writing it on here? Can't stand people that chat $hit behind peoples back but won't say it to their face.
Could be because he was stood in front of a drunken racist. Not the best people to get into an argument with
No amount of education on race and religion at school will change a young boys mind whilever his dad behaves in such manner. I get it, it's easy to get caught up in the pre match atmosphere after a beer or two... The chants of xxxxx is a xxxx hole thing and that kinda thing, it's the OTHER song that is a real shame. I don't like the fact that the player came out and said that he didn't like the song, yet people still sing it. Bambo is only a young lad, if it offends him like we were told it does then my heart goes out to him. It must be awful.
It's a risky strategy these days. Reasoning with people often results in confrontation which most people don't want. If he can behave so appallingly in front of his small children I doubt he's bothered about setting an example so having a fight is probably something he'd see as part of the day out.
Yeah, that would have had a positive outcome. He was hammered. Having a go at him about his kids behaviour wasn't going to achieve anything at all except make things worse. Million and one ways of getting your kids supporting reds without smiling like a ***** while they spout stuff they don't understand but you have taught them.
I think the OP was just making the point that the behaviour saddened him - not that he could ever change it through the gift of unsolicited feddback on parenting skills.
How about the bloke in question behaves, and brings his kids up properly? I can't stand people making excuses for yobbery. Fact is, "having a word" with people like this is not an option. I tried it at a game, and got non-stop abuse for the entire second half.
I usually report people like that to the Stewards. At Oakwell they do nothing at other grounds they do act.
"Thank you, sir, I have seen the error of my ways. I never considered the impact of swearing in front of my children or how singing racists songs might influence their views when they get older. Good day to you, kind sir!"