and we have scored 18 goals. So there are goals in us. Its obviouse to all that the defence is simply inadequate. I believe if we could tighten that up then we also score more goals too. However the owners are simply not interested at all.
The owners can do f**k all until January. If they do f**k all in January then I foresee lots of empty seats. Hardly a good business model is it?
The owners "are" selling our best players for a profit! So come jan further players will leave and our club will be richer....fantastic!! Who says our board wont do anything!!
We're not in debt. Healthy bank balance. Success. Can't win a chuffin game to save our lives like, but not in the red...
I was thinking about this. Our goals for column is decent. But goals conceded is shocking. Usually, to improve your defence, you end up sacrificing goals (ie playing more defensive). However, our goals conceded each game, are usually through individual mistakes rather than overall play. So playing more defensive wouldn’t make any difference. We could probably play a flat back 7 and still let them score 5. This is promising in a way, as it means if the defenders cut out the mistakes, we should do better - without changing our setup. Surely, at some point, our luck has to change? Mistakes are mistakes - and when confidence is low, it’s hard to turn it round.