Who will you be voting for then? You're obviously either earning well over 80k (Tories then), really REALLY don't want Brexit but are happy with a Tory-lite government (Lib Dems then), a racist moron (Brexit Party) or don't care about who wins in your constituency (independent).
I'd imagine it's a load of right wing reactionary nonsense from people who consider themselves better than "civvies"
Personally I think Corbyn is a man of principle but while some of those principles are great, there are some which are bat sht crazy, and McDonald and Abbott are worse. However, Boris Johnson is a pure charlatan who doesn’t even try to hide it because of his massive sense of entitlement. He literally embodies everything that’s wrong with our society and it’s stratification based on money, birth and privilege. I cannot vote for him in good conscience. Swinson is basically a Tory, and was full-in with austerity so that’s a “no”. Obviously most of the other parties apart from the Greens are designed for closet and not-so-closet racist and bigots. Not an easy decision, but as my current Labour MP, Mary Creigh is fairly soft-left and supports remain in going to vote for her in the hope that she can help the long term future for Labour.
the military whilst doing lots to stamp it out and change are still full of right wing racist Neanderthals. An organisation that is intolerant of anything or anyone different.
Hope the same Military people find the Tory manifesto hilarious. Read the small print, no concrete language stating they won't cut numbers further.
This lad's a Tory who came on a while back to say that he'd somehow found a spine and couldn't vote Boris, expecting us all to delight in his moral fortitude. I guess he's found the courage to vote for a man who can't say how many children he has.
I wonder why people who make their money from wars are trying their best to stop the country being run by someone who opposes war.
Facebook is awash with this sort of tripe and I'm sick of seeing it. I'm doing lots of unfriending at the moment, just like I did with the Britain First *******.
Just checked out their site. Hardly surprising to find it full of transphobic posts too. And sexist posts And racist posts What a shock