have done.... and I agree.... also been to the live concert by Jeff Wayne twice, and that too is awesome, also have two DVD versions with Richard Burto as the narrator and Liam Neeson .... both fantastic.... and have the original recording from the 70's .... but the offerings from USA have been pathetic.
Arguably the first demonstration of how Media can control the masses. Would have loved to have gone to the Jeff Wayne concert
I don’t like the way it alternates between time periods. Bit of spoiler, even though I know how it ends.
Jeff is still touring... not cheap... but not totally expensive.... and I will complrtely recomened it... the show is a total mind blower
I was really looking forward to it but only the BBC could turn a science fiction classic into a period drama. Personally I think the flashbacks are due to them realising it was a dud so they shortened the whole thing to 3 episodes. It just could have been so much better!
I've been watching it but I would have preferred a truer adaptation of the book. I've seen Jeff Wayne's musical version on stage, which was brilliant. Jr. Didcot Red 1 and his wife walked down the aisle to the War of the Worlds theme.