Heard that there’s some reason to believe that the question time audience is chosen by an extreme right wing supporter. Also that known plants are picked out deliberately. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news...-selection-process-following-bias-complaints/
Thing about BBC is that Cameron got the current regime elected to run the BBC as he said he had complaints that it was too left wing. Imo it was never left wing, just not right wing enough for Cameron . It’s another institution that shouldn’t be in politicians control along with NHS and Water etc
If anyone hasn't worked out Boris is a moron by now, we are all ******. We are all ****** & no amount of truth will stop us being ******. Clearly we are all ******, with bells on.
I saw some footage today of a woman who literally said "I know he's not very trustworthy.... but I like him". It was a strong labour area and there were an awful lot of labour voters who had fallen for whatever "get Brexit done" means. I truly despair. When someone admits to a person being a liar but liking them, and not just any old person... someone who could have a majority to do pretty much what they liked as PM..... Someone hail a meteor.... I think the experiment has ended.
I wonder if other football forums in tory areas have the same old threads just bashing labour day in day out??? Just wondering......
they seem to be making a few errors with Boris footage... all strangely showing him in a better light. Coincidence, must be.
Are there any, good luck with that one. Not looked but be surprised if much more than a handful. Seeing as it's traditionally a working class game. Even in Tory strongholds the odd labour seat crops up. You might get foookin labour how dare they ban blood sports. The south west being traditional Tory strongholds yet have suffered the lowest wages due to lack of industry relying on a lot of tourism. Gluttons for punishment.
Has anyone seen this genius scheme set up by the tories? No wonder they need the media to make them look good. Just like how when electoral broadcasting rules kick in something incredibly spooky happens: Can’t think why.
This is what’s driving Trumps popularity; no matter how much crap is sticking, the working class middle American view is ‘they’re all as bad’. Which of course is patently untrue, but it works brilliantly for politicians who have realised the score and that they can lie with impunity.