We live on benefits....I had to pack work in to be a carer for my missus (who did the same job). To qualify for carers allowance you can only earn just over £100 per week BUT must provide 35+ hours of care....so if I could leave her for a while I wouldn't be able to earn much as this would cut any income support I receive so I would end up roughly £20 a week better off, Carers allowance for these 35+ hours (in my case nearer 24 per day) is £66 pw. I'm pleased you don't want to contribute to any extra handouts as people like us really don't deserve what we get let alone any extra. As an extra bit of info she has been trying to get some extra hospital treatment for the last 2 years. She has now seen a specialist and has to wait 6 more months for this treatment as they are only allowed 3 beds per week for it and that's for the whole of South Yorkshire...only need the beds for a few hours too. This is just for some injections to stop muscle spasms so she can function a little better and perhaps start walking again. They have to be done every 10-12 weeks so at any one time only 36 people are allowed the treatment. This is how run into the ground the NHS has become under this government. You carry on with your I'm alright Jack attitude but I sincerely hope neither you or others that think like you end up in the same situation as us and many others.
Presume you've been reading up on this fairy story for the last hour so you know what you're talking about in the future?
Suppose you'll be saying the same after he's done the same to Boris. It's good to see him asking questions that any educated person would ask Comrade about his spending plans etc. Couldn't even answer where he'd get the money to pay the pensions for the WASPIs. No mention of it in Comrade's manifesto. Another made up statement like in the last election when he said he'd stop tuition fees for students only for him to back track after the election. He tells more lies than Boris.
******* hell fire. I honestly didn’t think there was anybody left that was so ill informed. Reap what you sow and good luck to you.
I didn’t watch it but those percentages paying tax if true just reinforce that a redistribution of wealth should be a priority of any government
Another one that hasn't read Comrade's manifesto. Scrapping the married couples allowance is our Marxist friend.
Yep. They all do. But Andrew Neil doesn't allow them to bullsh1t him and persists with repeating the question and forcing them to answer it. I wish others were more insistent like him. We might have more honest politics if every interviewer was like Andrew Neil. He's the best in the business.
I wondered why the Daily Mail hadn’t gone big on it. One partner has to be a non-tax payer, and the other be on the 20% tax rate. it would never come within miles of a Tory one. Or even just a Boris one for that matter.
The fact that your political opinions are so out of tune with the majority of posters on here either says something about you or about the rest of us. Having said that, sensible opinions on either side of the debate should be welcomed. It’s just that when you get idiots posting sh*te about people on benefits etc. that credibility goes out the window. Thankfully, that type of utter moron is still the exception.