At 1-0 down, with 4 minutes of injury time having previously been displayed, we had a goal kick. And, as with every goal kick, Andersen, who couldn't pass wind even if he had a foot pump and a bottle of liquid gold, stood on our own six yard box to receive the ball. Chasing the game (Ha!) with seconds left, they chose not to kick the ball up field in search of an equaliser, but to pass the ball in our own area. Either they're fkucing stupid or they genuinely couldn't give a fkuc. Incidentally, whenever we took a goal kick the stupid way, to a player in our own area, we lost possession in our own half within 5 seconds. Every time we took a proper goal kick and kicked the fkucing thing, we kept the ball.
I haven't the energy to debate anymore. The squad, team, whatever, it's just not good enough. And I've just watched Struber's interview post-match. Not at all inspiring.