"What's to get angry about?", is the way the media are playing up anti-Semitism within Labour when there is equally as much racism, anti Semitism and Islamophobia amongst the Tories and Brexit party but it's played down in most (right wing) media. https://latest-today-news.com/2019/...sikh-rival-he-was-talking-through-his-turban/ This guy hasn't been suspended.
No I posted a link but the Tory posters went into denial. http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/johnson-v-corbyn-the-itv-debate.285342/page-8#post-2383829
This anti Semitism is too complicated for me. It appears that if you criticise the state of Israel for bombings that kill or maim innocent Palestinians, you are branded anti semitic. If you criticise UK for harming innocent Afghans in the same way for instance, no one calls you anti Christian. I've got no axe to grind with Israel or Jewish people, in fact me and the wife worked and lived in Israel for a time in the eighties and had many Israeli friends. I just don't get it. Of course it could be that the whole anti Semitism issue is just politically motivated.
16:17 Labour candidate: Anti-Semitism means we don't deserve your vote The Labour candidate for East Renfrewshire in Scotland has said the party has "totally failed" to tackle anti-Semitism. Speaking at a hustings event on Wednesday, Carolann Davidson said: "I know for almost everyone here, that I can’t stand here and ask for your vote. I’m not going to, because we don’t deserve it. "Labour has totally failed, from the leadership down, about anti-Semitism. So I’m not here asking for your vote." She added: "I want to reassure you as a community that there are still people within the Labour party who are not willing to surrender the party, that was once the strongest ally of the Jewish community, to racists and conspiracy theorists. "I can’t defend the indefensible. What I can do is tell you who I am and what I stand for."
Perfect timing! you couldn’t illustrate my point any better if you engaged your tiny mind and thought about it. Get angry by all means, especially where racism and small minded bigotry needs calling out. but get angry about everything not just the side you don’t like!
Who says I only get angry when it's Labour. It's just that the left don't seem to think there's an issue with racism in the Labour Party.
Difficult to ascertain isn’t it? I mean, I can call the Tories racist because I’ve seen multiple incidents of them being racist. The leader himself is a massive racist. That’s not some crazy slur or hearsay, he’s on record numerous times making racist remarks. If someone can point me in the direction of Corbyn making racist comments then fair enough. I accept that in both parties there will be a minority of people with unsavoury ideas, and some will be racist. And that’s appalling and should be rooted out.
because it’s mock outrage. It’s fake. Clunk couldn’t give a flying f**k about Jews, anti Semitic Language or behaviour. If he did he would have surely passed comment about the conservative above. Surely he would have shown the same anger and indignation, surely he would condemn in the same terms he and many others have done so many times....... Or would they all just shrug their shoulders and not really give a f**k, because they don’t. They don’t give a f**k They just don’t like Jeremy Corbyn.
The antisemitism smears are getting old. I keep asking for evidence but its like trying to get blood from a stone
Somebody came on and said Corbyn had apologised for being anti semitic the other day. I asked them to quote what he'd said. Predictably there was no response. This board is infested with a number of brain dead who allow the right wing media to convince them that opposition to Israeli policy constitutes anti semitism. Time and again the same b****cks gets dredged up. It's depressing.
I don't for one moment believe that JC is anti Semitic. He is, from my reading of him and his history one of the most tolerant, empathetic MP's in the house. He's a nice, peace-loving, genuine person in my eyes. Not at all like the conniving, deceitful racist who is the PM. However, there are two things to note. First, Corbyn has not led on the issue of antisemitism. He's been on the defensive personally about it and allowed others, in his name, to deal with the issue when it started festering. He should have got directly involved himself and gone on the attack in the media. He did neither. Poor leadership I'm genuinely sorry to say. Secondly, he is patently against the policies of the Israeli government, especially with it's treatment of Palestinians. It's therefore easy and simplistic for his enemies to portray him as anti-Jewish (and a terrorist sympathizer) especially when he has sat on his hands as he has over the issue. Simply saying as he does that 'Im not antisemitic' does not look strong given the above. He's a good bloke but he's definitely been weak on this issue. Easy for the right-wing to attack him albeit unjustifiably.