Forget about the trees. The more pressing matter is what Corbyn was holding in his hand and I don't mean his todger. That dossier might as well have been the playboy annual because it didn't contain anything intimating that the Conservatives were about to sell off the NHS. Blew up in his face. The BBC were right to point out it was boll ocks.
Maybe the plan is to turn the UK into a nation of foresters. Plant one tree, chop it down, rinse and repeat. Get everyone unemployed to plant 7 trees per week and chop down 7 and we are sorted.
No it isn’t - that would end up with more than double the quoted 2billion. 95 per minute, every minute for the next forty years doesn’t sound any easier - but is at least accurate. Given, though, they’ve said by 2040 - presumably you mean for twenty years? If so yes the figure would be 190 per minute, so close enough. As someone has pointed out, that is actually more than doable. I’m not saying they’ll do it, but it is possible.
Let me correct you 190 per minute for the next 20 yrs globally. Pales into insignificance given 1900 per minute are cut down. Replacing 1 in 10. Ps if you look at the records for planting trees you’ll see that 200 per minute is blown out of the water. Eg 600 per minute in 1 day by 300 people. And that is blown out of the water 4,000 + per min is the record. But doesn’t say by how many planters.
The whole thread was started to discuss trees - our thread started was very vocal about them. If you think we are going to forget them you are very much mistaken.
got to ask but, if labour are going to plant x amount of trees and build x amount of new affordable housing ( all very commendable) and have an open border policy. . . where the **** is it all going to fit ?
Got to say this planting of trees is a very good idea . Personally I work in the woodworking industry and a lot of our raw materials are imported . It makes sense to simply grow and maintain our own and harvest when needed . It's good for the environment and will lead to growth in jobs over the long term . People have to understand exactly how much wood this country goes through in this throw away culture of ours . It's about building a sustainable economy what creates wealth without actually trashing the place .
Also helps environmental issue like flooding by soaking up water and preventing soil erosion leading to rivers silting up.
It's a win win all round . Be great for wildlife too . There's not much to dislike about the policy but I'm sure it ll not be long before the " who's going to pay for it " brigade pour scorn on it .
Correct! sorry read 2040 and somehow that ended up in my tiny brain as 40 years... people tell me I'm 20 years behind the times so this is probably the ammo they have been looking for
Yes I know.... see answer to Troff. I think the policy is NOT global though but UK. They want to create 11 new National parks. Unsure where all this going to fit. I fully expect the next policy will be a huge land reclamation project along the lines of those Islands in Dubai
With respect Tekkytyke your post comes all over as you think it’s pie in the sky and not an achievable target. When in fact it is. Why else the ridicule. Ethiopia plan to plant 4 billion in 1 year. The records I stated were not global.
This is an excellent Labour policy and could mean we get one of our old Goalkeepers back. After all surely, Trees means Heinz?
Theres some right old ***** on here and no mistake. Labour's policies are quite clearly centre left in alignment with northern European social democracies. Big money runs the media, runs targeted advertising on social media, the BBC political reporting arm is run by those with a long historical connections with the Tories. The political landscape of what is deemed acceptable has been heaved to the right by billionaires, corporations, poor journalism and even external states. As someone rightly pointed out it does not matter one jot who leads the Labour party for they will be ceaselessly attacked from all sides unless it's an establishment roadies prepares to toe a right line. Corbyn may not be perfect but by any stretch of the imagination hes got more integrity in his farts than Bozo , bollock face et al. I wish some of the fuxkers on here prepared to have a go at Corbyn & Abbott et al whilst turning a blind eye to the utter clusterfuck of incompetence that occupy the tory cabinet ought to either concede they are either utterly blinkered, utterly inhuman or that they have been brainwashed. Walk around the towns and cities of this country, round the hopeless former industrial towns of the north, and even around the very opulent areas of London and tell me this country is in a better place now than it was in 2010. Get these tory c\/nts out of govt if you have the least bit of humanity remaining in you.