apart from the obvious, of disenfranchising the majority of its readership, a fact which has gone right over your head it seems. could you explain how the brexit plc is going to make the lives of Barnsley folk better?
When Thatcher died, I tried to put an obituary in the Chron on behalf of my late, ex miner father in law, thanking her for what she'd done. They refused my offering.
Bought mine this morning at the newsagents near penny pie park and when I commented to the newsagent that I was surprised the Chron would allow such an odious character to be on the front of their paper in what looks like cheap stunt that looks like an endorsement an elderly gentlemen customer in the shop started having a go at me calling me a communist! I despair at how these thoroughly horrible people have spread fear and hate into so many. BTW - I’m not a communist!
Anyone who supports farages party don’t understand or they are same as him probably but fans of the edl as-well
I would hope there would be similar lambasting of the paper had labour put something on the front. There is simply no place for this kind of thing in a regional newspaper and shouldn’t be in a national one either.
NO cos labour can’t do nothing wrong round here you could have a donkey as a labour candidate round here and people would vote for it
Yep as I’ve said to them they should remain impartial instead of taking any parties money and advertising for them.
I dont know m8, reading social media I cant get my head round many up there who wont/ cant support the party whilst he is the ringmaster.my ex father in law who worked in the pit for 37 years,( I say that lightly because he says he used to sleep a third of is shift) who says all Londoners are tory cnuts, cannot, for the first time in is life put a X besides Labour on the ballot paper. This would have been unheard of previously, changing times mate
Only the Yorkshire Post rivals the Chron as being the best newspaper available!!! For drawing the fire up
They see the Barnsley Populace as gullible idiots that will vote for anything with a buzzword behind it. Can't say I disagree.
I don't care who anyone votes for, really, but don't try and insinuate that Farage is good for Barnsley. That just makes you look daft.