Come on, admit it, they were and still are great cartoons. I haven't seen any for more years than I can remember, at least 30, and I found myself laughing and admiring the sheer brilliance.
If there’s a better 8 minutes of TV than ‘Mouse In Manhattan’, I’d like to know. A thing of sheer beauty.
That would be my superpower if I had a choice, quickly drawing a big black hole for someone to fall down or a train appear from it and run someone over that’s irritating me.
Many years ago when it was on regularly we used to have a sweep in our local for the winner.....always leaving out Dastardly and Muttley of course 'cos they never won
I'll be quote abit younger than alot of you lot but for me it was all about Johnny Bravo and Ed, Edd and Eddy. Proper cartoons. Brilliant.
Coincidentally I recently found my 'Master of Disaster' Wily Coyote T-shirt under a pile of T-shirts in a drawer a few days ago. Somewhat faded but still intact , I realised that it was actually over 20 years old !! Wily Coyote one of my favourite cartoon characters of all time. Shame T&J is banned on some channels due to excessive violence (FFS!! It's a cartoon) not to mention 'racial stereotyping of mamma (the cook/housekeeper with her regular cry of ...Thommmaaaass!!)