No. The fans asked for ANY information and got told to piss off but con way can't keep his trap shut with anyone else.
Still trying to put the club's spin on it then. All Stendels doing.. and not those above, hehe no f@cker believes yer yaknow. But you keep flogging that particular dead horse...
They must really hate Stendel these owners, sacked him and now holding off his career. Surely for what he's done for this football club, earning the club 6 million in just promotion prize money not to mention the coaching of players to shoot up their sell on fees. You'd think the club would just give the man his money and let him get on with his career. As for not speaking to us the loyal supporters but to a national newspaper instead, well that just sums up this bloke for me.
“We are here to make Barnsley great again. Don’t believe the fake news BBS. We are going to build a wall to keep out any player over the age of 22”
I guess this is pretty standard in terms of employment law but crikey our owners are not exactly winning back the fan base are they.
You must live somewhere nearby. I'm sure I can hear you sharpening your knives from where I'm sitting.
How is this normal, in any way? Usually when a club sack a manager, they pay up his contract or agree a severance package, and he's free to go elsewhere, do they not? I haven't heard of a situation before where the club that fired a manager was due compensation when he started another job, or that they were able to prevent him from getting another job 3 months after they fired him. If he resigns, surely he waives his right to a severance agreement. If it's a 'mutual agreement,' it's a severance agreement. I guess it helps to explain the utterly bizarre statement that they 'separated' with Stendel, rather than any of the usual terms above, but what other options are there? If as others have suggested they put him on 'gardening leave' and still have him on the payroll, then why wouldn't all clubs do that when sacking a manager, so that they could gain compensation when they want to go elsewhere? There'd have to be some exceptional circumstances here would there not? Agree with all those who say it's utterly reprehensible that Conway is dropping hints to the media but refuses to explain to the BFC fan base.
Surely he can claim effective dismissal given that we have employed a replacement. That may result in him loosing money but he’s not trapped in garden limbo. agree with other comments that this reflects badly on us as a club.
Don’t think it is that uncommon in football I suspect Leeds did the same with Hecky and Hanover with Daniel before he came to us
Didnt we do the same with Mark Robbins and put him on gardening leave for a year To me it seems pointless if another club wants to take him get him off the wage bill Not an employment law expert but couldnt he just quit and claim constructive dismissal - or is it likely that something in his contract prevents that?
It depends on how high the managers street cred is. But the club can’t lose. They keep him on the books to the end of the contract which amounts to the same as paying his contract up and costs nothing extra. Anyone wishing to employ him then as to pay compensation ie effectively paying the contract up. Only other alternative as I see it would be for the manager to agree for his contract to be cancelled and he would be mental to do that
absolutely. I do not believe they have any integrity or care about anyone or anything other than profit. Other than Grace Hung of course, she is lovely
From a business sense, it’s actually very good what we appear to have done. Rather than pay Stendel off with a lump sum, we’ve paid him monthly as normal. And then when he leaves us for another club before the summer, we are due compensation (which will be minimal as he’s only got 6 months left). Whether you like it or not, it’s quite shrewd business from the board. Hecky was paid off from Leeds, and if reports are true, this also meant he couldn’t sign for another team either for 6 months. So it could be worse for Stendel - at least he’s free to go in some sense. Perhaps some are now realising - the club are treating managers and players as the same - young and untested, and profit from their success. The manager/coach is included in this. If Gerhard does well, he’ll be snapped up by someone too. The bonus is, if the manager is in demand, it usually means the team are doing well.
If what you say is correct, then I might have a shred of respect for the people running the club if they communicated that to the supporters, so they could make a choice as to whether that's a model they want to get behind. As it is, I'm left to draw my own conclusions from the complete absence of any meaningful communication. They're not very positive.