Joshua is lighter on his feet. Slimmed down. Gone back to basics. Keeps Ruiz at arms length with his jab and straight rights then he'll win quite easily. Ruiz needs to get inside to hurt Joshua which leaves him exposed to Joshuas bent arm shots. Ruiz will come out from the bell close the distance and look to get in close and let his fast hooks cause damage. If joshua and his camp have trained as suggested then he'll be quicker on his toes so expect lots of little half pivots amd step backs to change the angles to counter along with a tighter guard and better hand defences. If it goes into a brawl... Ruiz wins hands down.
It should be a piss ball fight for AJ, as should the first one. Just jab his head off in the centre of the ring and keep away from the corners so he doesent get squared up. But why didnt this happen in the first fight? Also think its strange that Ruiz is even heavier than last meeting. Can call it.
Hed beat him the 1st time then decided he wanted to mix it. Show some of that power off from the extra weight he gained to contest against the 300lb lump that was Miller. Backfired. Its Joshuas to lose.
You would hope a Olympic medallist and a former 4x world champion has been tested for steroids by now. I think it will be a hard night for joshua hope he can do it though
Ruiz by KO, don't care what front Joshua is putting on but he can't take a punch. Fury would school him and Wilder would knock him out.
If you offered me the option of betting everything I own versus a tenner on whether Joshua is natural I'd take it any day of the week. Big, natural, lean. Pick 2. Testers are always miles behind offenders. Lance Armstrong was the most tested athlete on the planet.
depends how he loses if he gets sparked out again, it's a long way back. the guy was never even meant to be in the ring.