Brexit is not about unleashing Britain's potential, it's about being able to freely exploit the masses to the maximum & trust me, they will.
And Andrew Neil is pro-Tory, pro-Brexit. Imagine what the equivalent from the left side of the spectrum would do to Johnson.
It doesnt matter - there are a large percentage of the population who dont care They believe Corbyn is the Antichrist and that Brexit will deliver unicorns showering gifts. No matter how much hard evidence is presented that electing the Tories with their brexit deal ( and page 48 of their manifesto) would be catastrophic they will vote for them anyway Despair is to positive a word for how I feel at the moment
I think some of the hard line Tories dont trust him to get us out of the EU before they get taxed on their offshore funds - maybe Neil is laying the ground work to ditch Boris after the election for someone who wouldnt have won the GE but can be trusted to get the job done Gove perhaps ?
Interesting perspective from USA about NHS & american pharmaceutical companies. Was shocked to see that Trump might have been lying when he said they had no interest in NHS with regards to any trade deals
Trouble is Marlon the more he lies through his teeth the more he is liked, I know it takes some believing that statement but it is true you have only to read some posters on BBS. If this Buffoon gets in with a majority then I'm afraid for the young people of this country.
It doesn’t take any believing tbh UTC ,all they are interested in is Brexit and Boris is riding the wave. How any of them can forget what these parasites did during the miners strike and with Austerity is beyond any semblance of sanity . Is it Any wonder that the people of Germany got taken in all those years ago when they would only listen to the divisive press and media spin of Goebbels ?
Hitler won the election in 1933 with ~40% of the vote. Took control of Parliament, the press and bob was his mothers brother. Of the German conscripts that died in WW2 (~3.5m), less than 20% actually voted for Hitler in an election.
Bojo is a charlatan, a coward and a proven liar. So how can you tell when a liar is telling the truth.?
I'm still waiting for a journalist to ask the classics degree holder what he thinks of Aesop's fable No 210 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf - and how that compares to modern life.
Not sure about that. Still, he should do the interview. It does make him look a bit silly. In reality, though, it won't make much of a difference, if any.