He's a fvcking charlatan. He uses the bumbling image to try and obscure the fact he's the worst kind of tory. He stated that the monarchy is "beyond reproach" the same weekend that Prince Andrew was exposed. He arranged to get stuck on a zip wire as a photo op and everyone loves him but fvck me he's a horrendous piece of work. The mask slipped when his dad was on TV and suggested that it was outrageous that a TV channel could repeat criticism of the PM and questioned whether the public could spell Pinocchio. I wouldn't give him the steam off my piss. Bring on the revolution, put his lot and the royals up against the wall.
Pinocchio was originally written as a tragedy, where the Cat and the Fox catch him and hang him from an oak tree. Not sure Stanley Johnson realised that when he was going on about being able to spell it.
We've had 10 years of austerity that's put the country on its knees, save the 1% who've raked in billions more at everyone's expense. Save your sniping, there's a good lad.
e wil av dun koz ees a lot mor cleverer than the popperl,,,popliati,,,,peepul wot live in this kuntry and lik a fuw peepul on eer I no my plas
https://www.theguardian.com/politic...f-truths-uk-government?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other See the line where she says she’s fed up peddling half-truths on behalf of a government she doesn’t trust...
If not you’ll put me up against the wall and shoot me with anyone else who doesn’t agree with your world view? Ok, I’ll be quiet baby x
Ah bless, someone else who develops morals with a turn of phrase on the internet that rubs them up the wrong way, yet doesn't bat an eyelid when people are actually dying due to government policies that they either support, or are indifferent to. Relax sweetcheeks, no one is really coming for you.
OK so we take as gospel the opinion of someone who was once head of the FO human rights department , a 'remainer' responsible for explaining Brexit to the Americans and it is reported in the Guardian - once 'bastion of impartiality and investigative journalism relying solely on facts' . BBC news website on both sides of the political divide seem to be full of opinion pieces , click-bait and regurgitated social media articles theses days rather than fact based impartial reporting. Bias has always been the way with newspapers since they reflect the owners politics and the go-to for the facts used to be the BBC but sadly no longer. Do you not think all politicians besides Johnson - Corbyn being just one example, are economical with the truth then? Election time always 'ups the anti 'when it comes to who can trot out the biggest porkies.
your post is actually far more worrying. We have turned into an apologists paradise. People do things wrong, if it’s on our side we ignore it or find an excuse. If it’s on their side we use it to attack. instead of actually understanding the reasoning or looking past a headline for the truth, the media have a lot to answer for.
Another lesser known fact is that pynokio was originally called splintercock and it was written from the point of view of the prefect that welcomed him to private school
I can't decide who irks me the most; self interested bourgeois liberals who get all teary eyed over Europe whilst having a decades to speak out about the EU's issues, or the temporarily embarrassed millionaires of the working class who are obsessed with Brexit and voting Tory despite a decade of austerity that's brought the country to its knees.