So according to this - Patients in BARNSLEY will suffer an annual underfunding of £195,000,000 by 2023 because of Conservative cuts.
Yeah but less forruners taking up beds and stealing resources means we'll have an extra £350,000,000 an hour for the NHS. Or something. Make Brittan grate agen.
Most Labour voters in this area voted for Brexit, so blaming Boris is a bit of a contradiction really. We're in this **** because of brexiteers not Boris Johnson.
There haven't been any cuts. Spending has actually doubled over the last 20 years, with only a 5% improvement in outcomes. The NHS model just doesn't work as well as the European one or the Australian one. Clement Attlee actually said that the NHS would make people so healthy that they wouldn't need to use it and demand would fall!
Under funding in the last 10 years is the problem and this, relatively speaking, is a cut relative to the amount needed to keep it functioning at what is generally considered to be adequate levels. As a % of GDP, the money spent on the NHS has fallen since this Tory government took power. Historically Tory governments always fund it less than Labour ones. I'm not fan of Tony Blair, nor am I a fan of PFI and hospital building, but there's no doubt that if you went to a hospital when New Labour were in power, the quality of treatment was markedly higher than it is now. I've spent hours in Pinderfields A&E and the hospital wards and both were massively understaffed. A&E was just horrific, an absolute war zone of people laying on the floor, beds, chairs, old men and women moaning. Just demeaning and truly awful.
Did they though? Not seen any stats on that but supposedly 67% of Labour voters voted Remain. That would obviously be less in this area but how do you know it wasnt the Tory Brexiteers that made the majority?
We’re in this **** cos ‘call me’ Dave Cameron brought in the referendum to show himself as a man of the people. Then when the people decided the wrong way he buggered off....
I've got to agree with this. Cameron is the main reason we are where we are now. Firstly he acted as appeaser to the anti-EU faction of the Conservatives to get elected leader. Secondly he offered referendum to appease and defuse UKIP and its threat to Tory votes. Then he failed to persuade our EU friends of the seriousness of the threat to our membership by UKIP and anti-EU Tories. He compounded this by his austerity policies which disaffected large sections of the country who then gave him a bloody nose in one of the few ballots where everyone's vote was of equal value. What a prize pillock he is.