If you are referring to the wonder god that graced our team in the 1970's, sometimes dubbed "the Prince", yes his name is spelled "Peachey". I sadly am not he.
Conway mentio That's unfair Jay I have no agenda whatsoever.I purposely kept off the board because I couldn't comment on what nobody knew.You haven't mentioned all the people who kept saying he was sacked because he asked for investment they were the ones with an agenda not me.I want the best for my football club at all times.
The board are,in my opinion,using spin to make them look like the innocent party. (Somewhere between us,Huddersfield Town,Hearts and our lovely owners are lies and truths which we will never get to truly know) All they are doing is causing a split amongst the supporters. Those who are pro-board/owners. And those who backed Stendel.
I was fully behind Daniel as my posts when he left demonstrate. However equally l’m not convinced that the board are necessarily the rogues that they are being made out to be on this board
DS duped the board? I think you’re being duped. Yesterday’s statement and interview contradicted previous statements made, and in several places. It (the statement) also flat refused to accept we need more experience in the squad. Apparently we have ‘veterans’, and the problem is that we’ve too many players. There is no prospect of this ownership regime accepting any real fault in anything going by yesterday’s ramble. We are in danger of becoming a classless and odiously ran football club. It will be difficult to buy and sell players if other clubs don’t want to deal with us. We don’t have players that are that good that there are no other options for rival clubs to buy, and we don’t have enough money to make offers too good to refuse for new players if clubs don’t wish to listen to our offers. The ownership and they way it operates is at odds with the values of the club, it’s fans and it’s town. I do not mean that they buy cheap and cash in assets, Patrick Cryne did that. That’s fine in its theory - stay solvent. It’s the way they speak, don’t speak, and refuse to tweak their approach when it is devastatingly clear that it wasn’t working. They could have spent less money than they did in the summer, had a slightly smaller squad, but have had a couple of better and more experienced players with a total wage bill no more than it is now. They could still do that. They won’t. They will also probably continue to upset other clubs like Wacker. And be petty in their approach. I don’t like it. And whether Stendel spoke to Huddersfield or not I won’t be offering any apology for voicing my distaste at the people running the club. And that is assuming what came out yesterday was mostly true - I do wonder whether it is though.
Surely it was Moores agent who touted him about 4 days before the window though? He wanted to go not the club wanting to sell him. We have done this to death on here, you've had all the evidence but you still want to blame the club and don't accept the real fee. We've had their pants down, he'll never be sold for more than what they paid for him.
The difference will be if they stay up and we dont though. Plus they still.have that player whereas we never replaced him.
You blamed patrick cryne for selling winnall and Conor who he bought with his own money he put in the club, winnall who spoke with Wednesday before the window and forced the move both had 6 months left not the 2.5 years moore did we didny have to sell moore 4 days before ball was in our court. Dont be a hypocrite.
Very good, there are lots wrong with that interview on radio sheff. but how deluded are they that he compared us to Ajax! yes produce and have some excellent young tallent. However they have about 6 players who figure regulaly, who are 27 years old plus!
I’ve been away a few days & am a bit behind on things but what I’m finding bizarre is people making out they’ve been duped & acting like they’ve been betrayed. Plenty of us were on here at the end of August saying how Stendel had been badly treated & if he got a decent championship offer or one back home he should go. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that he apparently spoke to Huddersfield. It’s the game, ‘unhappy manager instructs his agent to find himself a new job on better money with better prospects shocker’. It’s no coincidence that Stendel was only linked with other clubs when he’d been hard done to just like Hecky was only linked to other clubs when he’d been hard done to. They didn’t stop loving the club, they were just sick to death of how it was been run. Maybe we should get our own house in order & make our club more attractive to managers before we start criticising them for wanting to leave? Just a thought. And the tapping up things laughable. We’ve probably done it loads this summer alone with how many we’ve brought in. We’ve probably got players who’ve already agreed deals with other clubs & are hoping a fee will be agreed in January. That’s just the way football is.