1) What was great about it? 2) very insular of you to make it about just the miners and not about the other trade unions she wellied in to
Not insular at all ,I was a Miner thats why I posted about about Miners Strike please feel free to add your own montage instead of moaning . The Great is relative imo .
Ps I said anyone involved in the strike . There were more than just miners involved in the Great Strike . For instance many small businesses helped the miners from fish mongers, butchers , grocers . Barbers etc etc too many to mention but all appreciated. The whole community of mining towns and villages were involved in the strike not jut the people who worked at the pit . I talked to Steel workers, council workers etc etc on our picket lines .
My father died from lung disease,emphysema and chronic bronchitus through working all his life down the pit. Shutting the pits wasnt the best thing that was done but never opening them in the first place would have been a better one. I have spent many an evening in the COPD unit at Barnsley General watching him struggle to breathe. It was awful to see and he was one of many who suffered from heart and lung problems due to coal mining.
RIP your dad Pete snd condolences to you and your family . I also had family who were made really ill with mining diseases and I can remember going to one relatives when I was very young and I hated going because he had oxygen tanks at side of his bed downstairs and when he used to go on them the noise of him struggling and the machine used to frighten me . It’s not so much the closed pits imo it was the fact they never replaced adequately the employment caused by the closure . If the Tory’s had relocated all the new industry coming to our shores at the time to Ex Mining/ Steel communities etc instead of around the South East I don’t think any miner or their sons would have complained imo.
I will agree with you on that one because communities reliant on the mining industries were devasted by pit closures and some are still have never recovered. But we have to move on and try and learn from past mistakes or we will just make them again. That's the same for Barnsley FC board by the way as well as life in genreal.
She was one evil motherfcking *******, cancer on our nation, I hope the bitch suffered during her last years.
I agree we have to move on but we must never forget . This PM won’t be two minutes betraying anyone and everyone that puts their trust in him he has a track record . Move on , don’t forget and don’t let them get a second chance because they never change as history and recent events prove .
My mum helped the miners. She had an off licence/grocers which was thriving prior to the strike. The shop was within a mining community and just like the miners things got worse as the strike progressed. My mum, in all good faith started to give credit: pay me when you can. Lots of decent people paid my mum back but some of the miners who had been on strike never did. The business went bankrupt around 6 months after the strike ended. My mum had been borrowing money off my grandma to buy stock to try to fill the shelves. That stock was given often with the expectation that it would at some point be paid back. So yes let's remember the small businesses that got mightily shat on too, not only by Thatcher but some of our own.
In reply to skegby, for some reason it won’t let me quote him. Is it better to remain silent and let them think you an idiot, or open your mouth and prove then correct.
Didn’t you post the other day you had loads of mates who were ex miners and they were voting Brexit? Seems to me your posts aren’t all they make out . I’m not saying your a liar but lots of businesses went under not because miners were stealing from them as your posts implying but because miners families just had no money to shop there . Seems your mother trusted a lot of people she shouldn’t have done We all have these people in our communities mining or otherwise but if your painting whole communities I’d suggest your story’s an agenda rather than being true imo
Can we try and not continuously spout this sh*t please? If you're going to vote for a party vote for them because of their policies and the manifestos they provide. Don't spread misinformation about trying to infuence other people. It makes you look like you don't have any brain cells.
I don't get all this conservatives closed the pits, over double pits closed permanently under labour governments, Wilsons alone closed 290 compared to Thatcher who closed 160