Don't want to influence anyone but for those against Labour and don't know how to tactically vote today. Put a X in BOTH the Conservative and the Brexit Party boxes!!!! Make damn sure we leave the EU.
If that had been aimed at Tory’s the poster would be sitting in a cell right now imo awaiting charges .
I'm interested to know what brexiteers expect to get better for them after we've left. No one has been able to answer this simple question so far. Can you, or any of your likers help me out as I haven't voted yet.
I think you may need to read his post again In answer to your passports.....printed in France
And getting rid of all those scary brown people...and idle forrinners coming over here pinching jobs and being unemployed
Well to be honest He does want to lower the inheritance tax threshold and raise tax on it. He wants to abolish private schools even though he went to one himself. I wont get into the terrorism thing
Well tbh the private schools argument has held our education system back for years . If the elite had to depend on state schools the standards would’ve been much higher . The inheritance tax won’t involve the vast majority of people in our communities and why should people hold positions because their parents had a bob or two and passed it down to them . No case to answer in terrorism it’s bs