One mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter - it all depends on which side you are on. Is Nelson Mandela remembered as a terrorist, or a man that united a nation after apartheid? Was Michael Collins a terrorist, or an hero who helped to free a republic? Was Pinochet a great leader or a corrupt dictator? Is the Israeli state acting immorally in the West Bank? Are the Saudis in Yemen? Our government position is not always morally or ethically "right" and can change as events and knowledge change...
Old Glimmer I doff my flat cap to you. - To print and advertise something that is that far from the truth is a crime. But there are people out there that will believe this shyt.
The group that are responsible also have a video on Facebook.....funded by a journalist from the Daily Express.
Did he want her back in Britain or did he defend her right to legal aid in regards to getting her citizenship back?
Whatever happens in this election I would just love it if IDS and Raab lost their seats . I know there more odious horrible ******** to take their places in the Tory party but I would just love it .
To face investigation into her guilt or innocence and a if appropriate trial under a British court of law. If guilty, then to face the appropriate punishment for her crimes. This could also help to identify how she was identified and targeted to prevent it happening to other people and possibly arrest the real culprits - if they are in a country with extradition laws. And, it wouldn't be breaking existing British law like removing her citizenship did.
Or the other argument is the state schools would drag the others down. Cant really see the argument for getting rid of them. There is also is 2nd home tax when people purchasing a 2nd home already have to pay a 2nd home tax. A holiday home tax. Not everyone with money has been spoon fed many people have started with nothing and been successful.
I can't remember who said it during Victoria's reign but in answer to her question "Have we no permanent friends?" the answer was "We have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, we just have permanent interests"
Actually I did see one with Boris on it. It was with the frozen chicken in the freezer at the Co-Op in Dodworth.