23.30 Corbynism 2 / 1 seats up, 02.00 Corbynism 22 / 21 seats up, 03.00 Conservatives 94 / 79 seats up The tide as turned, 04.00 Conservatives 219 / 144 seats up Corbynism is faultering and the left an rights are floooding in, 04,30 Wow its a left an aright an Corbynisms on its knees, Conservatives 271 / 182 05.00 Conservatives left, right, left,uppercut, 326 / 196 07.00 Conservatives 363 / 203 Corbynism is DOWN an OUT R.I.P.
Any evidence for this? Or is just this another random statement put out with the knowing gullible people will blindly accept it? I think we've had enough of these already in this election.
Not sure where you get that idea, but I can assure you he does care about this place. The amount of work he does for people in this community(my family included) that does not get reported in any press is immense. We could certainly do a lot worse than Mr Jarvis...
I'd say it might not be long before he'll be lucky to have one job, but it used to be that you were skint when you were unemployed, nowadays you can have a job and still need a food bank. I can't remember ever having food banks even when unemployment was in the 3 millions, so perhaps he'll not be so lucky to have only one job.