Firstly on Monday I arrived at school to find out one of our pupils had been killed in a car crash on Sunday. We’ve had a book of condolences with their picture up in the library all week and a lot of upset students and staff. Last night saw the exit poll predicting a big Tory majority, woke up this morning to see the results and then went to work to find out another of our students had been killed yesterday afternoon from being knocked over. (I’d driven past about 2 minutes after it had happened but didn’t know it was one of our students, just the big crowd of people stood around someone). I’m home alone tonight as my husband has had to work but I’m feeling as low as about I ever have right now. Could I please request people post something to prove there are good things in this shitty world. Pictures of puppies, good news stories etc. I might not reply but I will read and appreciate them all.
I felt equally low this morning for different reasons (since deleted my thread, but it was a whopper), and this place has shown me there is still good in the world. It's harder to find it sometimes, but it's there.
That is really tragic for you and your school. I don’t really think there are words to make the world right for you just now. Well ‘Have I got News for You’ will have a brilliant source of material for the next few years is something I’ve been trying to cheer myself up with today
I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic events with your students, it's a very hard world at times, hope you're ok. In an attempt to cheer you up, the Gravy Chips thread was a BBS classic, now sadly deleted, but the sticky is still there. Lads and lasses on here have up to now donated £650 to let this guy and his family have a Christmas to remember. It's a heart warming story which is supposed to cheer you up, but actually it brings tears to my eyes to realise that so many good people on here have donated to help this lad and his family. Other than that, I hope that tomorrow afternoon's event also brings some joy to you. What could possibly go wrong?
Not sure if this will cheer you up or not, but here's a picture of the goal netting taken after the match on Wednesday. You can see where they've had to fasten it back together after cutting Sami Radlinger out of it during the Hull game.
So sorry, to read this. What a terrible week for you, your school and those families. I wouldn’t ordinarily offer this in such circumstances but as you asked for something, Here are some baby goats.
I think what I'd share is this. If you are a conscious, thinking individual as I perceive you are from your posts, and if you are interested in politics and therefore submersed in 24 hour news which assails us from many and multi-layered methods of communication, then the desolation felt at the victory of a person with the character of Mr Johnson still has to pale into insignificance at the side of the tragic events occurring around your school this week. In other words, there are things in life far more important than the political situation, which let's face it we can do little about. I have been very preoccupied with what I perceive to be the insanity of the Brexit decision. But Johnson's victory has made very plain that had there been a second referendum, there can be very little doubt that 'leave' would have won with an even bigger majority. So be it. That is the verdict of our fellow citizens. It may turn out better than I expected, or it may turn out worse. But that's what people want, so we will have to see. I'd have to say I'd take little pleasure if I am eventually proved right. But there it goes. What is really important are family and friends. They matter far more than the bigger political situation, about which individually we can do precious little. And they will be there for us. A shelter in the storm. The kids you mentioned who have left us will be mourned. But they will also be celebrated for what they brought into others' lives. It's hard, but it's right. Clasp your own loved ones tighter, and enjoy their comfort and support. Do it when Mr JamDrop gets in.
I'm sure you had your reasons for deleting the thread mate, but in my opinion it deserved to go viral. As I mentioned in my reply to that post, feel free to contact me if you want the details of the support group on Facebook, which is full of people in similar situations to yours. Including my cousin, whose Balinese girlfriend keeps getting rejected even for a tourist visa. Despite her having a very high up job with Garuda Indonesia, the home office seems to think she's a risk of overstaying her visa to work illegally cleaning hotel toilets in London.
Thank you so much to everyone. All of you yourselves are reminders that there is plenty of good and that makes the bad a tiny bit easier to take. I’m not great with words right now but just know that I am grateful.