That's not right though is it. Should we have accepted apartheid, slavery, the poorhouse, dangerous working conditions, women not having the vote, and so on? Progress is at the heart of human advancement, and electoral reform is long overdue
Bit different those examples. Labour could have changed it many times over so could conservatives so that’s the way it is
Wow!! you really seem to have anger issues!! You also typify the type of Labour supporter that puts moderates off. P.S. You do know there was a footy match on this afternoon?
It was offered for national referendum in 2011, and the public backed the current method. I can't make an argument that it's fair....but it is what the electorate want.
That was on the really poor compromise of an Alternative Vote system though, not Proportional Representation.
What a load of complete b0ll0cks. Sorry, but if you seriously think the removal of free health care and free education is where we are heading then that is just cuckoo. At least try to come up with rational objections to the Tories. Instead of blaming good honest people for coming to an honest judgement that they couldn't vote for Corbyn and Labour, to the extent that even a town like Barnsley nearly became blue, how about looking within at the Labour party to work out why these people felt they had to make that step, find the reasons for that and blame those reasons. Until Labour realise what the mistakes were they can't start to fix them.
Almost certainly. As Andrew Neil said to John McDonnell, with those results you've just lost the 2024 election. It's almost inconceivable that any party could turn an 80 seat deficit into a majority in 1 election. The only way they would even have a prayer is if they move back to the centre with a charismatic leader, so people feel they can vote for them. And that is not going to happen any time soon.
Our FPTP system definitely has its flaws. But the one thing that can be said for it is that every now and then, like Thursday, it has the capability of allowing the electorate to deliver a punch in the gob to those that deserve it.
I don't accept that. There are unique reasons for this result and most people will gravitate back to their usual preferences by the next election. Labour just need to find a leader with a smidgen of personality and charisma for once. I like Angela Rayner. A northern lass who might connect better with people in our traditional heartlands.
Protests took place at Westminster on Friday following Mr Johnson's election victory. Media captionCheryl Tompsett: "I've never been on a protest before" Demonstrators in Westminster carried signs that read "Defy Tory Rule" and "No to Boris Johnson". The Metropolitan Police said two people had been arrested in relation to the protests - one person on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and another for suspected affray. Nice to see Left wing Socialists accepting democracy Here this 'fine example' of the young generation showing their true colours And you talk about gammons!!!
we shall see. 50 years ago people said the same about railways, water, gas and electricity. 20 years ago. Royal Mail and Probation. Now there’s nothing else to sell. Through the academy process you have started the relaxation of the idea of uniformed provision. In terms of health it’s partially done already and certainly will be post brexit. You are living in a dream world if you think it’s not. But let’s see. Of course I blame the people who voted the tories in for voting the tories in. Hopefully the will get everything that’s coming to them.
you will pay both. In reality National Insurance and tax are not ‘separate pots’ They will sell it as using NI to cover social Care which is otherwise unaffordable and the parts of the NHS that cannot be privatised as there is no profit to them.